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Webgui HTML storage location


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Is it possible to edit the HTML pages for the Webgui?  There are a number of places I'd like to add small bits of info that would be useful (i.e. helpful notes for things i don't use very often and frequently forget (i.e. to view the mover progress, just look at the log or use tail).  So for instance, I'd like to add a comment to that affect on the Array operation tab of the main page.  There are other places I'd 'tweak' for my personal tastes.  Given I do HTML for a living, this is easy pickin's for me...  If I do something I think would be specifically useful for others, I'd offer them to the community...

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Is it possible to edit the HTML pages for the Webgui?  There are a number of places I'd like to add small bits of info that would be useful (i.e. helpful notes for things i don't use very often and frequently forget (i.e. to view the mover progress, just look at the log or use tail).  So for instance, I'd like to add a comment to that affect on the Array operation tab of the main page.  There are other places I'd 'tweak' for my personal tastes.  Given I do HTML for a living, this is easy pickin's for me...  If I do something I think would be specifically useful for others, I'd offer them to the community...


If you have any suggestions to improve the help function, those are mostly welcome ...


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So the best way would be to compile all my suggestions and wait for the next release?  I'd be happy to do that, but would like it better to work out my ideas practically, then submit them to the team...


Feel free to submit your suggestions whenever you are ready, good ideas are always taken into consideration !


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