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Some questions about V6


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Hello all,

I’m currently running Unraid 5 (I did upgrade from 4.7 approximately 6 months ago….) – I have 6.5TB for now (1 x 2TB and 3 x 1,5TB), with an open port for 1 more disk if necessary

I use it as a vanilla server to stream to all my TV (4) thru WD TV Live (each TV has one)

Works well, no issue….

I was looking yesterday on the forum, and saw Version 6.1.2 was the latest stable version…

I have a few questions:

1. Do I need to upgrade?

2. I was thinking to test the newest version with Plex…But there is no more free version for 3 disks? It’s free for only 30 days?

3. What is the minimum recommended CPU to run Plex, but still cheap and with the lowest possible consumption? What would be the best combo mobo-cpu in the mini-ITX format?




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1. Do I need to upgrade?

Really up to you.  Probably the main reason would be because you want some of the new features.

2. I was thinking to test the newest version with Plex…But there is no more free version for 3 disks? It’s free for only 30 days?
Yes, but you can renew for another 30 days and as far as I know can do this indefinitely.  Depends if you are prepared to put up with that hassle factor, although since it is all done on-line you may decide it is not that much hassle.

3. What is the minimum recommended CPU to run Plex, but still cheap and with the lowest possible consumption? What would be the best combo mobo-cpu in the mini-ITX format?

Do not run Plex so cannot really help here.  The answer is likely to be the same for v5 and v6.

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You know - you could also use Serviio instead of Plex. It is free unless you wish to stream to devices like android or Apple phones or tablets outside your WIFI network. If you don't need external support outside your firewall, Serviio is an alternative that works with your existing WDTVs and transcodes for PS3s, XBoxes, and Smart TVs - It doesn't need much in the way of a processor and - best of all - no upgrade required - it is available as a plugin - though I tested it on 6.0.14b - that was the last Beta before your content was locked at 250GB per drive. I've tested it with a Sempron single core and it works, although I wouldn't recommend it using a single core processor...


Plex does have some advantages, especially for AppleTV and Smart TV adopters...there is usually a Plex App for their devices, so, it is a more custom experience. Serviio can be accessed from my Samsung tv using the AllShare content area. My other TVs can get to the content via Shares from unraid.


Best of luck!

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Plex does a few things.  It organizes your media, downloads metadata to make everything pretty, and presents a nice user interface to access your media.  None of these require much CPU.  One of it's main features, though, is to transcode your media in real time - translate it from the format it is stored in to a format your player can support.  Transcoding can be quite CPU intensive depending on what format and bitrate your media is stored in and what your players can support.  You currently use WD TV Lives, which handle all of the display tasks and don't need transcoding.  Are you making a change?

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Thanks for that clarification....

I would be interested in Plex to make everything pretty, with all the metadata, etc...

As far as transcoding, I was even wondering why I would need that, since my WDTV can play all my files that are on my server (mp4, mkv, dvd iso, etc...). And no, I haven't planned any changes at that level (unless one of my WDTV Live dies on me...knock on wood  ;))

There is only 1 thing I wonder if transcoding could help: with my PS3. As of today, my console doesn't detect my Unraid server as a media server !

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The Plex approach and WDTV are somewhat mutually exclusive.  The WDTV just wants access to your media files and it's good to go.  Plex, on the otherhand, requires software running both on the server and the player.  I don't believe that there is a Plex app for the WDTV Live.  You could use the DLNA support on the WDTV, but you may wind up with a dumbed down experience that is less than what either the WDTV Live or Plex usually offer.  Plex is available for the PS3 and could turn that box into a media player for you.


I use Plex on my Roku.  On its own it's a great streamer but poor player for local media.  Plex turns it into a good local media player as well, while providing the transcoding that the Roku needs for things like full BD rips.


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The Plex approach and WDTV are somewhat mutually exclusive.  The WDTV just wants access to your media files and it's good to go.  Plex, on the otherhand, requires software running both on the server and the player.  I don't believe that there is a Plex app for the WDTV Live.  You could use the DLNA support on the WDTV, but you may wind up with a dumbed down experience that is less than what either the WDTV Live or Plex usually offer.  Plex is available for the PS3 and could turn that box into a media player for you.


I use Plex on my Roku.  On its own it's a great streamer but poor player for local media.  Plex turns it into a good local media player as well, while providing the transcoding that the Roku needs for things like full BD rips.


i have a great experience with Plex docker and WDTV Live through DLNA..

i was a bit hard to set it up, cos you need to find a correct WDTV Live profile for Plex to avoid Transcoding where it's not needed.

when i setup Plex for the first time, and watched movie on WDTV Live, Plex trasncoding used all available CPU (4 Cores on Xeon CPU) and therefore stuttering accoutered.. when i found a correct WDTV Live profile then no more transcode and movies are played just fine. 

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