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very very slow delete and copying files since win10 & ur6


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Hi all, wonder if anyone can be kind enough to help me stop losing any more hair  :-[


Since upgrading to windows 10 and unraid 6 i have been having very very slow deleting and copying files to and from unraid.

I have no idea what may be causing this.


Now i have no idea whether this is an Unriaid, Windows 10 or hardware issue i.e. ive added more drives and therefor maybe need a better power supply?


I have attached diagnostic file. Any help much appreciated. Thanks



pretty sure this isnt an network or even a windows 10 issue. Could it be that i have added too many hard drives since first building my unraid server and need a bigger power supply?..or even a better cpu. It just seems strange that  this issue has arisen since upgrading to unraid 6. Saying that i have added drives since the upgrade.


A little more info regarding the main problem. In windows 10 explorer, i right click a video file on an unraid share and select delete.

This will then take 5-10 minutes or longer for the 'are you sure you want to delete this file' menu appears. when i click yes it deletes the file fairly quickly.


A little more info. In my bios settings i have the following,


• When SATA 1/2/3/4/5/6 are configured as [AHCI], only SATA 1/2/3/4 can be detected


• When SATA 1/2/3/4 are configured as [AHCI] and SATA 5/6 are configured as [iDE], you2-8under OS. Ensure to install the AHCI driver, so that you can use SATA 1/2/3/4/5/6 inAHCI mode under OS.can access the devices on SATA 5/6 before entering OS.


This wouldnt cause slowdown would it?  Thanks




• When SATA 1/2/3/4 are configured as [AHCI] and SATA 5/6 are configured as [iDE], you2-8under OS. Ensure to install the AHCI driver, so that you can use SATA 1/2/3/4/5/6 inAHCI mode under OS.can access the devices on SATA 5/6 before entering OS...

Not clear what you meant to say here, but IDE will slow things down some. Have you looked for a BIOS update?


Nothing obvious in your diagnostics.


What is the exact model of your power supply?



Hi, Thanks for getting back to me.


Looks like the latest bios is dated December 2010 and im pretty sure i have this one installed but will check.


The power supply is the following, CAIR 500W CMPSU-500CXUK PSU.


Thanks for your help :)



• When SATA 1/2/3/4 are configured as [AHCI] and SATA 5/6 are configured as [iDE], you2-8under OS. Ensure to install the AHCI driver, so that you can use SATA 1/2/3/4/5/6 inAHCI mode under OS.can access the devices on SATA 5/6 before entering OS...

Not clear what you meant to say here, but IDE will slow things down some. Have you looked for a BIOS update?


Nothing obvious in your diagnostics.


What is the exact model of your power supply?


I'll add that this has happened previously. so i stopped  parity removed the drive from parity. restarted. the stopped and added the drive back to force a parity check. I have done the same again just now. I have tested the drive previously and no faults were found. Is it possible that i could still have a dud drive or something else in my setup is screwing with the new parity drive?


Yes. I was unable to get the web interface to load up so had to reset..



SMART for parity looks OK. syslog looks like it was taken just after a reboot and doesn't contain anything about the event.


Parity is valid again this morning. But for how long?... I'm going to open the case and make sure all cabling and cards are plugged in securely. If it happens again i will just have to bite the bullet and buy another disk. Just seems like i shouldnt have to as the disk is not showing any faults when checked.




I have resolved the slow deleting issue.


I currently have this card seated in PCI Express x1 slot http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00MOHHR12?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00 and this card seated in the PCI Express x16 slot http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00UVJI3IQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00


I swapped the connection of the Parity drive to the card using pci express x1 slot and this has corrected the issue.


However after doing this unraid reported one of my cards as faulty ( i think it may have been the one i swapped the parity drive with). However i just stopped arraray > removed the 'faulty' drive. Started the stopped array again and added the drive.

It took a good 9 hours to sort the previously 'failed' drive out but now all appears to be working again.


I suppose my question is, is there a problem with the pci express card using the PCI Express x16 slot or a fault with the slot itself or something else? In the meantime i took advantage of a 20% off ebay code and purchased another 3tb WD Red drive. Any input appreciated. Cheers


*info from motherboard manual*

1.8.4 PCI Express x1 slot

This motherboard supports PCI Express x1 network cards, SCSI cards, and other cards that

comply with the PCI Express specifications.

1.8.5 PCI Express x16 slot

This motherboard supports a PCI Express x16 graphics card that comply with the PCI

Express specifications.



still having the problem of very slow delete speeds as described in previous posts.


I have just downloaded a diagnostics report and attached to this post.


If anyone more knowledgable than myself could please take a look and see if anything jumps out that would be great.


Starting to think i need to get a new motherboard/cpu/ram....



Hi Squid. Thanks for taking time to read and reply to my post.


Disk 1 (2tb) is 96% full

Disk 2 (2tb) is 87%

Disk 3 (2tb) is 81%

Disk 4 (2tb) 74%

Disk 5 (3tb) 50%

Disk 6 (3tb) 25%

Disk 7 (3tb) 3%


all the 2tb disks have been quite full up for a while now and i never had this problem until recently...


how do i move some of the disk 1 data to disk 3 for instance?


More info. I recently purchased this card http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00AZ9T3OU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 in the hope that this would resolve the issue. However the motherboard sees the drives attached to it as IDE and not SATA?


Hi Squid. Thanks for taking time to read and reply to my post.


Disk 1 (2tb) is 96% full

Disk 2 (2tb) is 87%

Disk 3 (2tb) is 81%

Disk 4 (2tb) 74%

Disk 5 (3tb) 50%

Disk 6 (3tb) 25%

Disk 7 (3tb) 3%


all the 2tb disks have been quite full up for a while now and i never had this problem until recently...


how do i move some of the disk 1 data to disk 3 for instance?


More info. I recently purchased this card http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00AZ9T3OU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 in the hope that this would resolve the issue. However the motherboard sees the drives attached to it as IDE and not SATA?

Check in your BIOS settings.

Believe me. I have been in and out the Bios most of this afternoon. There isn't a hell of a lot of changes i can make in the bios either. I honestly don't know what else to try...


thinking about upgrading to this http://www.amazon.co.uk/ASRock-1150-Z97-Extreme6-Motherboard/dp/B00K6JKRIA/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1446219276&sr=1-1&keywords=asrock+extreme6 as it has 10 sata connections and one of these http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00J2LIF2S/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2ISIQJGFBPFQR&coliid=I33DT0D96SQAM and some ram. But just seems a very expensive way to (hopefully) resolve the problem. Add to that im not rolling in the stuff either.


I dont seem to be having any speed issue with retrieving data from unraid just it takes forever to delete things..


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