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Strange Problem with IP address


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I will try to explain what is going on as best as possible.


The IP Address my unraid server uses is a static IP assigned by my router being


When Unraid is running by itself with my VM not running everything is fine.


When my VM is running it is given an ip address assigned by the router and is not static. At the moment its ip is


I will note that my router is setup so to give an ip address between and for all devices that are not set to static.


The problem I have been having is when the VM is running, at some point in time it is losing the IP address of both the VM and the unraid server at the same time.


This only happens when the VM is running. When the VM is not running the unraid server will be fine.


I ran the VM last night before I went to bed and by the time I woke up the same thing had happened again.


http://tower is unresponsive and any attempt to rdp into the VM fails.


I know the unraid server and VM are running after this happens as I can see it on my monitor I connected to the unraid server.


All the settings used to set up the VM where done as instructed by the you tube video tutorial.


I have included the most recent log in the hopes someone will know what to look for.


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Are you trying to pass-through any hardware / GPU to the VM?

It sounds like a problem some have when trying to do HW pass through. Something goes sideways when the VM takes ownership of specific unRAID HW resources...


I don't have a solution, in my case it looks like it might be incompatibility of a specific ASUS GPU card I have installed for OpenElec.



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No there is nothing being pass through.


However it is using the onboard realtek NIC which could be the problem.


I see if I can pick up a dual Intel NIC card.


As I think the realtek nic isnt enjoying pass through to the VM.


Due to the ip on the VM not being a static ip it has to update the least I think the default for most modem/routers is 1 hour and it may be having issues doing that.

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As I think the realtek nic isnt enjoying pass through to the VM.

Does this mean you have 2 NICs already, or are you saying you are running in bridged mode.

Due to the ip on the VM not being a static ip it has to update the least I think the default for most modem/routers is 1 hour and it may be having issues doing that.

I set my regular VM's to have an IP address reserved at the router just like I would for physical machines.  Maybe that would help in this case?    You could also set a static address inside the VM if you do not want it done from the router.
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Understand however I have restarted unraid since this has been happening and have not run the vm due to the problem.


You have quite a few plugins installed.  Mind rebooting into safe mode with no plugins installed so we can see if the issue occurs on a stock build?

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