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Cannot create shares.


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I will attach the zip but here's a quick find from the logs.


Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming emhttp: shcmd (129): mkdir '/mnt/user/share1' |& logger

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: locate: share1 (2) No such file or directory

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming logger: mkdir: cannot create directory '/mnt/user/share1': No such file or directory

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming emhttp: shcmd (130): :>/etc/samba/smb-shares.conf

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming avahi-daemon[8845]: Files changed, reloading.

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming emhttp: Restart SMB...

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming emhttp: shcmd (131): killall -HUP smbd

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming emhttp: shcmd (132): cp /etc/avahi/services/smb.service- /etc/avahi/services/smb.service

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming avahi-daemon[8845]: Files changed, reloading.

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming avahi-daemon[8845]: Service group file /services/smb.service changed, reloading.

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming emhttp: shcmd (133): pidof rpc.mountd &> /dev/null

Dec 30 13:04:36 ximerousgaming emhttp: shcmd (134): /etc/rc.d/rc.atalk status



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I found the issue, my drives needed to be formatted through the webUI. I hadn't see this option before but when I went to take a SS I saw it and tried it, I am now able to create shares.

Yes, you must you let unRAID format any drives it will use. Sounds like you probably didn't preclear them either. Search forum and wiki for preclear. See search tips in my sig.
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