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Transfer Data from old NAS to unRAID - Midnight Commander Timeout Issues


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I'm trying to transfer data (about 3.5TB worth) from my old NAS to my new unRAID. After some reading, it seems Midnight Commander is the easiest solution for me (I'm not knowledgeable with command lines).


These are my steps:

1) SSH into unRAID via Terminal on my mac

2) open midnight commander with "mc"

3) in the right pane of mc, I ftp to my old NAS with "[email protected]" and then enter password when prompted

4) I select the desired folders for copy, then press F5 and the process begins

5) after a certain amount of time my terminal screen logs me out


When I try to SSH back into unRAID and open MC, I realize that the data transfer also stops when I get timed-out. How do I keep the data transfer going without being timed-out?

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Not sure why you're getting a timeout, but any time I need to do anything in telnet/ssh that will take a long time I run it in a screen session. That way if it disconnects for some reason you can resume. Screen is included in the NerdTools plugin and there are plenty of guides on the internet about the linux screen command.

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Not sure why you're getting a timeout


Sorry, I am not communicating accurately. I don't get a timeout error, the terminal screen simply no longer refreshes the progress of the data transfer. When I re-login to unRAID via TELNET/SSH, and load Midnight Commander, the transfer is no longer taking place. I verify this with opening the destination and see that no additional files/folders have been copied there since I last left my computer.


any time I need to do anything in telnet/ssh that will take a long time I run it in a screen session. That way if it disconnects for some reason you can resume. Screen is included in the NerdTools plugin and there are plenty of guides on the internet about the linux screen command.


Thanks, I think this will solve my problem. I forgot about the screen feature, I will use my google-foo skills for the linux screen command.

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Finally figured out how to do this and I will outline my steps I took on my mac for other newbs such as myself.


1) Open Terminal on mac

2) SSH into unRAID with "root@localhost" and input password when prompted

3) Next step is to use the "screen" command so that network inactivity does not terminate your transfer. unRAID v6 does not come with the screen command. The easisest way to get it is to download the "nerdpack" plugin using the community apps GUI

4) After installing the nerdpack plugin, type "screen"

5) Open midnight commander with "mc"

6) On one pane navigate to destination folder that you want transfer to go to with arrow keys and enter. [Tab] switches panes and [F9] gets the menu

7) On other pane navigate to the source folder. I connected to my old NAS via FTP by pressing [F9] and selecting FTP connection. Then I typed in "username@oldlocalhost" or for me "[email protected]" and input my password when prompted

8) After navigating to the appropriate folders on each pane, highlight the folder/file you want transferred on the source pane and press [F5]

9) Ensure "dive into subfolders" is checked by pressing [space bar] (don't have this checked)

10) you are done, if you get detached from screen by inactivity, simply type "screen -r" after you SSH back into your unRAID

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Is this through MC?


Just want to make a correction that


9) Ensure "dive into subfolders" is checked by pressing [space bar]


is incorrect, you don't want this checked. This feature is misleading, I thought it meant to include subdirectories for copy. This feature actually means that if the source and destination have the same folder name, then to create an additional subdirectory. This isn't something most people will want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally and I do mean personally I use the Transfer in Background option.



Select files to move

Transfer in Background.



I'm still a little confused about this. Is this through MC? I see an option for "Background" when trying to initiate a copy in midnight commander but it doesn't do anything when I select it and press enter.


Nevermind, it worked! This is an awesome feature, thanks for sharing. I suppose the transfer will continue to work even if you log out of the SSH session?

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