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Is my parity drive failing? extremely slow parity sync speeds


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had some issues with the server where i couldn't stop the array from the gui or shutdown from console etc. i was running one of the release candidates of unraid 6, i tried upgrading to the latest stable using the gui but it kept coming back with an md5 issue. After some searching i found that i'd need to upgrade manually. so i decided to start again with all my dockers etc and do a clean install of 6.1.6, only transferring network.cfg, ident.cfg, share.cfg and the plus key.


after reassigning my drives i started the array (which seemed to take an age to come on) and it started its parity sync. i was getting speeds of 380 KB/s and a completion time of 50 odd days. i did some more research and found some info reporting slow speeds of drives that are almost full to capacity (which my disk 1 & 2 were) so using mc i deleted some movies i didn't want off each disk freeing up 100 ish GB on each one. i rebooted the server and started the array, the speeds are still the same.


what i then noticed is that my parity drive is showing a faulty in the dashboard :-/ i've attached the diagnostics zip, could someone take a look and advise whether it is faulty, and whether this is probably whats causing the slow speeds?


please bear in mind i'm a linux novice at best, many thanks for your time in advance:)


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Your parity drive:

Device Model:     WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   133   133   140    Pre-fail  Always   FAILING_NOW 1265
196 Reallocated_Event_Count 0x0032   001   001   000    Old_age   Always       -       1265
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   001   001   000    Old_age   Always       -       65443
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0030   200   198   000    Old_age   Offline      -       33

Very bad.


Are you not getting notifications?

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i did some more research and found some info reporting slow speeds of drives that are almost full to capacity (which my disk 1 & 2 were) so using mc i deleted some movies i didn't want off each disk freeing up 100 ish GB on each one. i rebooted the server and started the array, the speeds are still the same.


Just FYI, full drives do not slow down parity checks, they can, if reiserfs is used, cause the array to be generally slower, specially while starting a file copy, sometimes even causing network timeouts.



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By notifications you mean on the dashboard? I take it that is what's causing the slow parity sync then?


Best to power it down whilst I order a new parity?


Many thanks for the replies

The dashboard should be indicating that drive has issues, and if you have setup email notifications you should be getting emails about this too.
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It is showing as having issues on the dash now,  I haven't got email notification setup,  after this I think I will though!


I take it is best to power it down until I have a replacement drive?

I would. Even if unRAID hasn't disabled the drive it is bad enough that you might as well assume you are running without parity protection.
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