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WebGUI Unresponsive. How do I safely shutdown via command line in v6?


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Title says most of it. System became unresponsive and I am guessing it is a docker issue. (Maybe Deluge/OpenVPN). I still have console access although I am not sure how to find the offending process. docker stop <container id> is not working. Any thoughts on how to proceed? Or how do I safely shutdown (could only find instructions for v5). I have a minecraft docker running and would like to avoid data loss there.




EDIT: should also mention my user shares (AFP) went down. I copied the syslog to /boot, but I am still trying to find a way to shutdown cleanly.


Update: a tail of the log shows "hfs/user: shfs_write: write: (28) No space left on device" over and over again. How do I stop the write process?


Update 2: fuser is not working either, it just hangs

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Shutting down safely is very hard to do unless you have installed the Powerdown plugin.  With that you can then normally shutdown using the 'powerdown' command from the command line even when the GUI is unresponsive.


It is probably possible to find a sequence of commands that can shutdown when the GUI is not responding but I do not think they would be very simple.  The file systems used by unRAID are 'journaling' file systems so most of the time even a forced power off by the power switch does not result in data loss.

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  • 2 months later...

ugh, after months of all going swimmingly, I thumb spasmed some command whilst using midnight commander to try and move some files from a share to another. Xterm disappeared and I now have no WebGUI (browser just looping ad infinitum)


I can SSH into the server still, but I've lost the ability to safely shut down the array and reboot.


Any assistance would be appreciated!

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  • 1 year later...

since powerdown is deprecated, and recently had to commit unclean shutdowns  because of it:


How to do clean shutdowns through ssh?




confirmed working on (and built into) 6.3.X and 6.4.X builds?



On 17.3.2017 at 8:28 PM, trurl said:

In addition to the poweroff command, there is also the reboot command.


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  • 7 months later...


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