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dynamix file integrity plugin doesn't stop when array is stopped


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which won't allow the array to stop.

If i kill b2sum (which is running) another takes it's place - I have to kill something like 6 or 7 dynamix running jobs to get it to stop.

Nice plugin, but that needs to be fixed.


There is already logic built-in which will instantly terminate all running bunker/b2sum processes as soon as the array goes off-line. In other words it is always possible to stop the array.


What did you start exactly to get this situation?


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Just did a stop array.  Tje array wont actually go offline so u might have a chicken and egg issue.


I understand you want to stop the array, but what did you start in the file integrity plugin?


As said: all running file integrity processes are instantly terminated once the array is signalled to go off-line (this is part of the standard array events). Unless something prohibits the killing of the processes, it can't create a chicken-n-egg situation.

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Wow - this forum thing needs work - I tried to attach .log files, which it won't allow, and it totally blew away all my typing....


OK - attached are 2 log files of the ssh session when it happened.  logged into ssh and tried to determine why it wouldn't stop. 


Some of the pertinent info: 

Automatically protect set to enabled

Exluded folders: Backups, Trash, movie_torrent, tv_torrent. <== All but Trash are defined to be ONLY on /mnt/disk7....


Notice that it's trying to backup something in tv_torrent - it shouldn't be.



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I created the exact same share names as you have, and set the exact same settings as you use, but can not reproduce your issue (in my case all works as expected).


To be more precise; in your case the folder references for the exclude string in inotifywait are not properly formatted.


In your diagnostics I see the following (wrong):


inotifywait -mrqe close_write --exclude ^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/[color=red]Backups|Trash,movie_torrent,tv_torrent[/color] --format %w%f /mnt/disk1...


While in my situation I see (correct):


inotifywait -mrqe close_write --exclude ^/mnt/disk[0-9]+/[color=blue](Backups/|Trash/|movie_torrent/|tv_torrent/)[/color] --format %w%f /mnt/disk1...


Can you try the following:


1. Clcik on Default to restore settings to default

2. Configure your settings as before

3. Apply

4. Create diagnostics file and post it


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