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[SOLVED] Web UI hangs for several minutes when loading Dashboard


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For some reason, my Web UI "Dashboard" is hanging after an initial loading, before info is filled in.  Here is what it looks like when I hit it, notice no values for most of the tables:




It'll just sit and sit there. Browser will recognize a click on other navigation and the page will sit there with the chrome spinner in the tab going.  Eventually it'll navigate to that second page.


It didn't always do this.. how can i debug?

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Ich had the same problem, and the solution was to turn off Antivirus pro Webguard. So, if you use some Antivirus software try to turn it of.


I have Ghostery, the chrome extension, for ad blocking but it's whitelisted the web UI. Only other antivirus software I have is what's built into Windows 10.  Nothing has changed on that front since this problem started.


I wonder if one of the plugins is causing this?

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