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[Support] Rclone (beta)

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Yep :)

Tested with a 22 gb mkv. Playback is working perfectly both through the windows 10 media player from the samba share, kodi on my HTPC and Emby web interface :)

Whats odd is that VLC seems to be struggling somewhat with playing back media from the share. The built in windows 10 player has no problems though.


Sounds good!

Anybody with PLEX that can test? ;D

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I updated the plugin with the latest beta and figured out how to make the download more stable.


<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>

<!ENTITY name      "rclone-beta">
<!ENTITY author    "Waseh">
<!ENTITY version   "2016.10.31">
<!ENTITY pluginURL "&name;.plg">

<PLUGIN name="&name;" author="&author;" version="&version;" pluginURL="&pluginURL;">


- New beta version
- Other minor improvements

- Removed cronjob - Using Userscripts plugin instead

- changed version to latest beta
- small modifications to make the plugin work again.



This plugin installs Rclone on unRAID systems.
This work is entirely based upon the plugin created by aschamberger: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46663.msg501372
Thanks to stignz for his great guide: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46663.0


<FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="install">
# version could be 'current' also

if [ -d /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name; ]; then
  rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;

mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/
if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt ]; then
  rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt
curl -o /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bagder/ca-bundle/master/ca-bundle.crt

if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-*-linux-amd64.zip ]; then
  rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-*-linux-amd64.zip

wget http://beta.rclone.org/$rcloneversion/$rclonefile.zip -O /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/$rclonefile.zip

if [ -d /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/ ]; then
  rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/
unzip /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-*-linux-amd64.zip -d /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/

cp /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/rclone-v*/rclone /usr/sbin/
chown root:root /usr/sbin/rclone
chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rclone

mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs/
cp /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/

if [ ! -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf ]; then
  touch /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf;

mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs;

echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo " &name; has been installed."
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""


<FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="remove">
rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;/install
rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;
rm -f /usr/sbin/rclone;
rm -f /usr/sbin/myrclone;
rm -f /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/~daily_backup.cron

# we keep config and logs
#rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/.rclone.conf;
#rm -f /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs;

echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo " &name; has been uninstalled."
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""


<FILE Name="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/&name;.png" Type="base64">

<FILE Name="/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/&name;/README.md">

The plugin installs Rclone. Rclone is a command line program to sync files and directories to and from
* Google Drive
* Amazon S3
* Openstack Swift / Rackspace cloud files / Memset Memstore
* Dropbox
* Google Cloud Storage
* Amazon Drive
* Microsoft One Drive
* Hubic
* Backblaze B2
* Yandex Disk
* The local filesystem

Go to http://rclone.org/ for more information.


<FILE Name="/usr/sbin/myrclone" Mode="0755">
for i in "$@" ; do
    if [[ $i = "--log" ]] ; then
    if [[ $i = "-l" ]] ; then

logfile=/boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs/rclone-$(date "+%Y%m%d").log
if [ "$log" = true ] && [ ${#args[@]} -ge 1 ]; then
rclone --config $config --transfers $transfers "${args[@]}" >> $logfile 2>&1
rclone --config $config --transfers $transfers "$@";



I'm thinking this probably isn't the place to keep discussing this though.

I'm not really willing to start a repo with this code since i don't really have the skill to understand and maintain it beyond my own personal use.

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I'm getting the following:


/usr/sbin/myrclone: line 18: -p: command not found 


It looks to be just a cosmetic error. Everything works fine except the error is stopping the log file from being created. This is the line in the plugin causing the error:


logfile=mkdir -p /boot/config/plugins/&name;/logs/rclone-$(date "+%Y%m%d").log


It's in the "myrclone" script.

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That was me beeing sleepy when i edited the code yesterday it seems :D

I updated my previous post with at fix :)


Ah, ok, that's what I figured. I looked at it but it was late for me as well and my bash skills are only mediocre but I thought the mkdir command looked out of place since it was creating a log file. I'm waiting to test this setup before I commit to it but my test file upload is taking forever. Ugh.


As far as improving the plugin, can anyone think of anything that can be done? It would be nice to have it a little more polished and user friendly but to be honest, I don't see how, since rclone it self can be fairly technical. Really, once the plugin is configured you don't ever really have to go back into it. It would be nice to have a webui to make configuration easier for the less technical but I don't know a feasible way to do it and it might be simpler to just provide well written documentation.

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Also another question: who wants to take ownership of this?


I mean, this thread was started by thomast_88 for the docker he created which we have since found out isn't really as useful as a plugin is because of the limitations of docker. Also, correct me if I am wrong but it seemed more like it was just an experimental proof of concept he created for himself and shared and never really intended to make into a project and fully support it. The plugin was created by aschamberger, whose only post was creating the plugin so I don't think he is really invested in it. Waseh, improved and updated the plugin but understandably doesn't feel able or want to commit to it. Plus there are a bunch of disparate threads all pertaining to rclone or encfs/acd_cli implementations. There are a number of people contributing to this in one way or another but no one seems to want or have the time to own it. This has all been a sort of nebulous work in progress so far but it seems to be at the point where we have a solid product. It just needs someone willing to take it from this point on, bring it all under one thread, and send it off to community apps and be willing to maintain it.

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I will probably look the plugin over tomorrow and do a couple of improvements I have in mind and then make a new thread and submit it to CA :)


Good to hear. This one is a lot less involved than most and all the hard parts seem to be done so I don't think it would be too demanding for you but if you need help I can offer what I can. I've had some experience writing plug-ins in v5.

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Also another question: who wants to take ownership of this?


I mean, this thread was started by thomast_88 for the docker he created which we have since found out isn't really as useful as a plugin is because of the limitations of docker. Also, correct me if I am wrong but it seemed more like it was just an experimental proof of concept he created for himself and shared and never really intended to make into a project and fully support it. The plugin was created by aschamberger, whose only post was creating the plugin so I don't think he is really invested in it. Waseh, improved and updated the plugin but understandably doesn't feel able or want to commit to it. Plus there are a bunch of disparate threads all pertaining to rclone or encfs/acd_cli implementations. There are a number of people contributing to this in one way or another but no one seems to want or have the time to own it. This has all been a sort of nebulous work in progress so far but it seems to be at the point where we have a solid product. It just needs someone willing to take it from this point on, bring it all under one thread, and send it off to community apps and be willing to maintain it.


I will maintain this docker version and keep developing it if the community asks for it. So far i've been running it to backup my appdata to ACD (encrypted), and it's working flawlessly. If people wants to mount encrypted volumes on their array, the plugin will be the way to go (unless docker will support this in the feature).


I'm looking forward to the new plugin by Waseh.

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Also another question: who wants to take ownership of this?


I mean, this thread was started by thomast_88 for the docker he created which we have since found out isn't really as useful as a plugin is because of the limitations of docker. Also, correct me if I am wrong but it seemed more like it was just an experimental proof of concept he created for himself and shared and never really intended to make into a project and fully support it. The plugin was created by aschamberger, whose only post was creating the plugin so I don't think he is really invested in it. Waseh, improved and updated the plugin but understandably doesn't feel able or want to commit to it. Plus there are a bunch of disparate threads all pertaining to rclone or encfs/acd_cli implementations. There are a number of people contributing to this in one way or another but no one seems to want or have the time to own it. This has all been a sort of nebulous work in progress so far but it seems to be at the point where we have a solid product. It just needs someone willing to take it from this point on, bring it all under one thread, and send it off to community apps and be willing to maintain it.


I will maintain this docker version and keep developing it if the community asks for it. So far i've been running it to backup my appdata to ACD (encrypted), and it's working flawlessly. If people wants to mount encrypted volumes on their array, the plugin will be the way to go (unless docker will support this in the feature).


I'm looking forward to the new plugin by Waseh.


I think you should make sure and note the sharing limitation in the OP just so those that have not been following the progress can be aware of it. Thanks for the work.

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Also another question: who wants to take ownership of this?


I mean, this thread was started by thomast_88 for the docker he created which we have since found out isn't really as useful as a plugin is because of the limitations of docker. Also, correct me if I am wrong but it seemed more like it was just an experimental proof of concept he created for himself and shared and never really intended to make into a project and fully support it. The plugin was created by aschamberger, whose only post was creating the plugin so I don't think he is really invested in it. Waseh, improved and updated the plugin but understandably doesn't feel able or want to commit to it. Plus there are a bunch of disparate threads all pertaining to rclone or encfs/acd_cli implementations. There are a number of people contributing to this in one way or another but no one seems to want or have the time to own it. This has all been a sort of nebulous work in progress so far but it seems to be at the point where we have a solid product. It just needs someone willing to take it from this point on, bring it all under one thread, and send it off to community apps and be willing to maintain it.


I will maintain this docker version and keep developing it if the community asks for it. So far i've been running it to backup my appdata to ACD (encrypted), and it's working flawlessly. If people wants to mount encrypted volumes on their array, the plugin will be the way to go (unless docker will support this in the feature).


I'm looking forward to the new plugin by Waseh.


I think you should make sure and note the sharing limitation in the OP just so those that have not been following the progress can be aware of it. Thanks for the work.


Good point. I've writtin this in the OP http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=52033.msg499567#msg499567 . I will create a link to the plugin once the plugin is ready.

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Is it working when you browse it from mc (or some other file manager)? How about through a network share?

Just trying to figure out if its a docker problem or something else.


Maybe I'm not mounting it to the correct place..


I made a directory at /mnt/acd/unraidcrypt

then my command was:


myrclone mount crypt: /mnt/acd/unraidcrypt --allow-other


at the shell i can see into it, and also with MC but not outside of that.

Where did you mount yours to?

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Try myrclone mount --allow-other crypt: /mnt/acd/unraidcrypt :)

hah ..

That's what i originally did, then i started putting it on the end. Same result either way.

I know it's related to permissions somehow, as i have a folder inside that should show up when I browse to add the path in Plex.

But plex only gets to /unraidcrypt and then doesn't see anything in it.

only at the console do I see into it. =/

Did you manually make a fuse.conf file or anything? Not sure what's different on my end than yours.

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Try myrclone mount --allow-other crypt: /mnt/acd/unraidcrypt :)

hah ..

That's what i originally did, then i started putting it on the end. Same result either way.

I know it's related to permissions somehow, as i have a folder inside that should show up when I browse to add the path in Plex.

But plex only gets to /unraidcrypt and then doesn't see anything in it.

only at the console do I see into it. =/

Did you manually make a fuse.conf file or anything? Not sure what's different on my end than yours.


2 things:

Make sure you add the path to the Plex docker. It sounds like you did but just making sure.

Second, if Plex was already running when you mounted it, you'll need to restart Plex.

When you say "only at the console", are you referring to the unraid command line or the command line within the Plex docker? Checking with the Plec docker command line is the best way to check if the file is there for Plex to see.


That brings up a point though that I was about to ask. How is everyone mounting the encrypted share? I want it to automatically mount on startup but it needs to be mounted before the Plex container starts.

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