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Network trouble?


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Hi guys,


I have been away for a few months because of moving to another house and getting settled there. I just finished setting up my server, running unraid 6.2.1, and find that I can't access the server from my Windows 10 laptop. Windows just gives a message can not access \\Tower.


In network settings I see under eth0 that bonding is active although I never ever enabled it, and I can't change anything there. eth1 isn't connected BTW.


The server appears under Network on the laptop.


Forgot to mention that I switched motherboard and cpu to X9DRI-F with E5-2670.

I attach diagnostics.



Can anyone help to fix this. As I said I have been away a couple of months and may need some update on what has changed in 6.2 and later. Or is it best to update to the latest version?


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It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version 6.2.4.


Does accessing your server on IP address work, i.e. \\ instead of \\tower ?


You need to stop Docker and VM services (see settings) before network settings can be changed. If you don't use eth1, you can disable bonding, as it won't be used.


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It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version 6.2.4.


Does accessing your server on IP address work, i.e. \\ instead of \\tower ?


You need to stop Docker and VM services (see settings) before network settings can be changed. If you don't use eth1, you can disable bonding, as it won't be used.


When I use the Network browser on my Dune mediaplayer to browse to SMB shares Tower doesn't even show up in the list of servers but when I create a shortcut on the Dune to a specific share on I do get connected to that share.


Does it hurt anything if bonding stays enabled?


Under settings every setting for eth0 seems to be greyed out, I cant even set a static IP. Should I press DOWN under eth1 to accomplish that?



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Is your server elected as the local master browser? Seems name 'tower' isn't resolved.


There is no impact when bonding is used on a single interface.


The Down button is to set eth1 interface inactive (not used). To change eth0 settings you need to stop the running Docker and/or VM services.


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This sounds like a Local Master Browser issue.  There can be only ONE Local Master for the Network.  The Local Master Browser is a DNS like server for the SMB network and is determined by an 'election among the computers on the SBM network.  The entire process takes place in the background and has a very low priority.  It can take many, many  minutes to resolve a a network.  For that reason, it is best if you have your unRAID server end up as the Local Master.  "Settings"  >>>  "SBM"  >>>  "Workgroup Settings" and set 'Local master browser:' to 'Yes'.


There is a plugin called 'Local Master' and you can find in the first post of this thread:




It will show which computer on your network is the Local Master on the "Workgroup Settings" page. 


If for some reason, you can not get your server to remain the Local Master, post back and I will tell you how to force its election.

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Thanks, I installed the plugin. It shows TOWER is current local master browser even when Local Master is set to No on Tower.


OK.  A bit of housekeeping first.  Check and see that your Workgroup name is identical on all of the computers that are going to connect to your unRAID server.  Make that workgroup name all CAPITAL letters!  (Windows treats file, folder and computer names as if they were all capitals while Linux/UNIX  treats small and capital as being unique.  Thus, "Workgroup" and "workgroup"  is the same 'name' to Windows and two different names to Linux/UNIX.  How SMB resolves this problem is something I have never figured out!)  And Turn on that switch to allow your unRAID server to become the Local Master!  You really want it to be the Local Master...


Now go to "Settings"  >>>  "SMB"  >> SMB Extras" and paste this in to the box:


# domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255


You have to stop and restart SMB make it take effect.  Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to do this from the GUI, so you will have to reboot the server to finish the process.


What did we do?  The os level  parameter is one of the factors used in the election process.  MS has boosted this value with each new Windows release.  This was done to prevent a 80386 computer running Windows for Workgroups 3.11 from becoming the Local Master!


Now, you may also have to shutdown all of the computers (including any media players using SMB) on your network for long enough to drink a cup of coffee.  Then slowly turn them back on as you need them. 

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Thanks Frank, good to know. I discovered that Dune mediaplayers act as Local master themselves and I haven't found a way to disable this "feature". I also have another unraid server on the network which has Local Master set to no.


Is the way you describe it guaranteed to set the unraid server to Local Master and overrule the Dune mediaplayer?

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Only the unraid server and my laptop are on the network now and my laptop is now shown as local master browser.


Can you see from my diagnostics from in the OP if there any settings wrong? Or if there are any errors on the go file?


I don't see this code in your smb-extra.conf file


domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255


Did you add this? It is used to ensure unRAID will be elected.


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