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Any way to boost my performance?


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Hello Everyone,


I recently acquired a IBM x3200 M3 Server and decided that it could do some use as a NAS with all the whistles. I started with FreeNAS not knowing about unRaid until recently. And wow, I have to say I love the ease of setup compared to freeNAS. Although, I do know that I am now missing out on some features such as Snapshots and the ZFS file system.   I have successfully installed unRaid and got an array set up and working.

I wanted to know if there are any ways to improve my setup as far as performance goes. Currently I have my unRaid box connected to my router (Gigabit)  with CAT6a cable through-out my house. I also have two Netgear Gigabit 8 port switches that lead upstairs as well.


I am getting 112/s MB up / download connection between a PC in between my router. Are there any other settings that I can change in order to gain more speed? (I have attached a screenshot of the shares settings)


If it matters at all I have added my unRaid box to my domain as well.



Parity: 1 X 2TB Hitachi 7200RPM
Cache: 1 X 120GB SSD SanDisk Plus

Disk 1: 2TB WD RED 5400RPM (Using M1015 IBM card flashed to IT Mode)

Disk 2: 2TB WD RED 5400RPM (Using M1015 IBM card flashed to IT Mode) 


From unRaid:

Model: IBM x3200 M3 73284u

M/B: IBM - 69Y1171

CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU X3440 @ 2.53GHz

HVM: Enabled

IOMMU: Enabled

Cache: 8192 kB, 32 kB, 256 kB

Memory: 16 GB (max. installable capacity 32 GB) 

Network: bond0: adaptive load balancing, mtu 1500 
 eth0: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1500 
 eth1: 1000 Mb/s, full duplex, mtu 1500

Kernel: Linux 4.9.10-unRAID x86_64

OpenSSL: 1.0.2k 


2017-03-05 20_06_29-

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If 10GbE is out of reach due to costs or other reasons, you could look at LACP. However, you'll still have to have a capable switch and nics.


That said, if gigabit speeds are fine for your client machines but you have a bottleneck at the server then a good switch and nic bonding on the server might be enough.

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Thanks for all your help! I suppose it's doing its' job then ;) .


I am trying to answer this question as well.

How important is pre-clearing your drives?

I didn't do this and I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to continue without ever pre-clearing them.

I guess I could check and just take one array disk offline. I do have a backup if need be but do you think this would even work? Would that be a good idea?

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