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Xeoma - Surveillance Software

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Hallo @Alex24, ich meinte welchen Docker Container du von hub.docker.com installiert hast. 

Ich verwende https://hub.docker.com/r/coppit/xeoma/ und hatte die von mir hier im beschriebenen Probleme:


Hello @Alex24, I ment wich container you are using from hub.docker.com.

I installed https://hub.docker.com/r/coppit/xeoma/ and had following problems:


On 9/29/2022 at 10:42 PM, vakilando said:

Same here...

I tried updating to the latest version 22.8.16:

  1. manually downloaded the latest version 22.8.16 (xeoma_linux64.tgz) from felenasoft
  2. renamed xeoma_linux64.tgz to xeoma_22.8.16.tgz
  3. put it in the xeoma download directory (/mnt/cache/appdata/Xeoma/downloads)
  4. changed the config file xeoma.conf by adding: VERSION='22.8.16'

When starting the container it stucks at:

Sep 29 20:09:44 5b7e2d0c1c9d syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2'
[Sep 29 08:09:47 PM] Setting the password


Reverting to version 22.3.16 and everything is fine....


Did somebody find a way to get it up and running, perhaps by manually setting the password?


Ich werde die Tage mal Version 22.12.15 testen.

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@Maniek2as2 can you show us your logs and your configuration?


If you use this container, did you follow the instructions from here https://github.com/coppit/docker-xeoma-server:

"When run for the first time, a file named xeoma.conf will be created in the config dir, and the container will exit. Edit this file, setting the client password."


Edited by vakilando
more information for help
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@Alex24 version 22.12.5 is working for me - partially...

The docker starts up, I can connect to the xeoma server with the linux client software an I see the cameras with pictures.

The xeoma web server also starts successfully but

  1. I can't login with my admin account. It says wrong password although it isn't wrong!
  2. I can login with my second account, but the camera prictures are just black....
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18 hours ago, vakilando said:

Hallo @Alex24, ich meinte welchen Docker Container du von hub.docker.com installiert hast. 

Ich verwende https://hub.docker.com/r/coppit/xeoma/ und hatte die von mir hier im beschriebenen Probleme:


Hello @Alex24, I ment wich container you are using from hub.docker.com.

I installed https://hub.docker.com/r/coppit/xeoma/ and had following problems:



Ich werde die Tage mal Version 22.12.15 testen.


I was do this now, but after run docker still i have a problem , i was check log :



*** /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh failed with status 3

*** Killing all processes...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh...
*** /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh failed with status 3

*** Killing all processes...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/40_install_xeoma.py...
2022-12-19 18:04:49 Determining version of Xeoma to use
2022-12-19 18:04:49 Config version is "latest"
2022-12-19 18:04:49 Fetching version information from Felenasoft at http://felenasoft.com/xeoma/downloads/version3.xml
2022-12-19 18:04:53 Using Xeoma version 22.12.5 (the latest stable version)
2022-12-19 18:04:53 Deleting files in /config/downloads to reclaim space...
2022-12-19 18:04:53 Downloading from http://felenasoft.com/xeoma/downloads/latest/linux/xeoma_linux64.tgz into /config/downloads
2022-12-19 18:04:53 Downloading from http://felenasoft.com/xeoma/downloads/latest/linux/xeoma_linux64.tgz
2022-12-19 18:04:54 Downloaded to /config/downloads/xeoma_22.12.5.tgz
2022-12-19 18:04:54 Installing Xeoma from /config/downloads/xeoma_22.12.5.tgz
2022-12-19 18:04:55 Installation complete
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/50_configure_xeoma.sh...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 68
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
*** Shutting down runit daemon (PID 68)...
*** Running /etc/my_init.post_shutdown.d/10_syslog-ng.shutdown...
*** Init system aborted.
*** Killing all processes...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/00_regen_ssh_host_keys.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/10_syslog-ng.init...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/30_parse_config_file.sh...
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/40_install_xeoma.py...
2022-12-19 18:06:41 Determining version of Xeoma to use
2022-12-19 18:06:41 Config version is "latest"
2022-12-19 18:06:41 Fetching version information from Felenasoft at http://felenasoft.com/xeoma/downloads/version3.xml
2022-12-19 18:06:41 Using Xeoma version 22.12.5 (the latest stable version)
2022-12-19 18:06:41 Downloaded file /config/downloads/xeoma_22.12.5.tgz already exists. Skipping download
2022-12-19 18:06:41 Skipping installation because the currently installed version is the correct one
*** Running /etc/my_init.d/50_configure_xeoma.sh...
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 66
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
/bin/sh: 1: ip: not found
Dec 19 18:03:27 28e3380dd2c6 syslog-ng[14]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.13.2'
Dec 19 18:03:39 28e3380dd2c6 syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2'
Please edit the config file to specify your settings
Dec 19 18:03:39 28e3380dd2c6 syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.13.2'
Dec 19 18:04:48 28e3380dd2c6 syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2'
[Dec 19 06:04:55 PM] Setting the password

Password set successfull
[Dec 19 06:04:55 PM] Starting the server in 5 seconds. See the log directory in your config directory for server logs.
[Dec 19 06:04:55 PM] Not using archive cache
Dec 19 18:04:55 28e3380dd2c6 cron[72]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Dec 19 18:04:55 28e3380dd2c6 cron[72]: (CRON) INFO (Running @reboot jobs)
Dec 19 18:06:14 28e3380dd2c6 syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng shutting down; version='3.13.2'
Core: Starting ...
Core: Starting services ...
Core: Started.
Core: Stopping ...
Core: Save settings ...
Core: Stopping services ...
Core: Stopped.
Dec 19 18:06:40 28e3380dd2c6 syslog-ng[13]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.13.2'
[Dec 19 06:06:41 PM] Setting the password

Password set successfull
Dec 19 18:06:42 28e3380dd2c6 cron[71]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
Dec 19 18:06:42 28e3380dd2c6 cron[71]: (CRON) INFO (Skipping @reboot jobs -- not system startup)
[Dec 19 06:06:42 PM] Starting the server in 5 seconds. See the log directory in your config directory for server logs.
[Dec 19 06:06:42 PM] Not using archive cache


And when I click Webui i have "HTTP error: 404"

Edited by Maniek2as2
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On 12/19/2022 at 7:46 PM, tucansam said:

404 errors on all attempts to access gui

You are using the administrotor account, right?

I have a similar problem with the administrotor account, I don't get a 404 error but a "wrong login/password" message.

I can only login with my second non administrative account, but the I have black pictures.


Try creating a second non administrative account with the Xeoma client (Linux/Win) and with that try to login to the webinterface.


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On 12/19/2022 at 1:26 AM, vakilando said:

@Alex24 version 22.12.5 is working for me - partially...

The docker starts up, I can connect to the xeoma server with the linux client software an I see the cameras with pictures.

The xeoma web server also starts successfully but

  1. I can't login with my admin account. It says wrong password although it isn't wrong!
  2. I can login with my second account, but the camera prictures are just black....


I got it working!

Solution was quite simple....

  1. (no login)  =>  remove characters from password like: §, $, %, &
  2. (black pictures)  =>  I don't know why, but the account for the web server module had a wrong password set
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  • 10 months later...

What is the current state of this container?  It appears that @coppit is no longer maintaining it, so has anyone forked it and make any updates?  I noticed that Archive Search is no longer functioning, and my Motion Detector is now complaining about not having the a new enough library.


My guess is this is a dependency that just needs to be updated in the dockerfile, but I'm not sure.

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I sadly must agree @NewDisplayName....

I had Xeoma up and running for quite a long time. It worked very well and was rock solid too, but

  1. the container is no longer maintained by @coppit
  2. I have more cameras than my licence admits
  3. costs are too high to upgrade

I still have the xeoma container installed because I like the drag an drop configuration very much dispite of a quite ugly interface but I'll move on to frigate.

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