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[Feature Enhancement] Notifications


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I really like the new system integrated notifications, but would like the ability to choose the granularity and add some functionality.


I have two proposed enhancements.


My first example is to only get warnings for Array Health. I like the ability to schedule these for specific interval, but can we only have it give notification if it's not healthy?


The other would be, when an error/warning is found, allow us to click the notification to open a window/tab with a report or verbose message on why/what triggered the unhealthy message.

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3 hours ago, GeekMajic said:

but can we only have it give notification if it's not healthy?

I get the sentiment, but in reality, it's not a good idea. If you never get anything sent unless there is an issue, then if there IS an issue and something has gone wrong in the notification channel, you'll never know. A heartbeat all OK notification is a way for you to be sure the communication channel is working.

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7 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

A heartbeat all OK notification is a way for you to be sure the communication channel is working

Annoying as hell though.  But then again, if I'm not checking the server 50 times a day anyways, then I'm probably close to death and have more important things to worry about.


TBH, I've disabled all email alerts from dynamix simply because of what the OP is expressing.  I don't want the yeah its ok emails.  I only want to know if there's something wrong.  I get enough spam in my inbox, and the more spam from the server's I get, the more likely I'm going to miss an actual problem being emailed to me.

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