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Multiple Drive failure...


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Hi guys,


apparently two disks failed and they cannot be seen anymore. On top I was about to upgrade my parity disk (4 TB) with a new one (8 TB).

So... I am lost!!!!

Can you help me out with this?? What shall I do?

I was upgrading my parity because the plan was gradually change all the 4Tb disks with 8TB, and now I dont' know if I can still do it without loosing data.

(I was thinking to upgrade the parity first so I will have a bigger disk and I will able to add an extra 8TB drive and hope to recover the data in the two failed ones, but since I am not too confident I do not want to make a mess...).


Any suggestion is more than appreciated

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The disks are missing i.e., not being detected, since it's very unusual for two disks to completely die at the same time you'll want to check/replace cables, since you have 2 unused ports onboard and on your HBA, presumably the missing disks are connect to one or the other, connect them to the other controller and try again.

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Just to double check I tried to mount a different disk un the two slots used by the presumed faulty and it is detected with no issues. So the slot is working and accept other disks with no issues...

Any other suggestion to see if the disks are gone forever? (they never gave any sign of failure before)

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12 minutes ago, gideva said:

Just to double check I tried to mount a different disk un the two slots used by the presumed faulty and it is detected with no issues. So the slot is working and accept other disks with no issues...

Any other suggestion to see if the disks are gone forever? (they never gave any sign of failure before)


I would be very surprised for 2 disks to just drop dead. Even one disk to die that way is exceedingly rare. Do not give up until you are absolutely sure the disks are bad.


What controller are they plugged into? Are they connected to a power splitter? What makes you think they are not being recognized? UnRaid may not suddenly show them in the array. I would double check power, reconnect them, reboot, and repost your diagnostics.

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I tried whatever I could think of... I swap slots to ones that surely work (were other disks are recognised with no issues), I changed the power source, I connected them directly to the MB on the SATA ports available, I used an external dock to see if they give any sign of activity... Nothing.

The only reason I can think of is the faulty AOC-SASLP-MV8 connected to them (even if two other disks are working fine).


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