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device disabled while parity check


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Hi All


i'm getting a message on my 4TB that says: Device disabled. I got a drive cage and i'm thinking that this is the problem.


The message arrived when i added another parity drive.


I stop everything and did a reboot. I did a smarttest and everything seem normal.


So what should i do




thx all


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SMART for all disks looks OK. Check connections.


I think you should be able to rebuild disk1 and sync parity2 at the same time but I haven't tried it.


Looks like you have another 8TB disk in the system. Did you have plans for it? I ask because instead of rebuilding disk1 onto itself, you could replace it and rebuild to another disk instead and keep the original disk1 with its data in reserve in case there are further problems.

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2 minutes ago, trurl said:

SMART for all disks looks OK. Check connections.


I think you should be able to rebuild disk1 and sync parity2 at the same time but I haven't tried it.


Looks like you have another 8TB disk in the system. Did you have plans for it? I ask because instead of rebuilding disk1 onto itself, you could replace it and rebuild to another disk instead and keep the original disk1 with its data in reserve in case there are further problems.

Normally my plan was to add it to the array would it be possible ?

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1 minute ago, trurl said:

The way parity works it seems like it might be possible to do all that at the same time but I'm not sure the UI will allow it.

It's possible to rebuild disk1 and sync parity2 at the same time, not possible to rebuild a disk and/or sync parity and add a new disk at the same time.


1 minute ago, trurl said:

I think I would rebuild disk1 to the new 8TB and if everything works OK you could add the old disk1 as a new disk7.

That's what I recommend also.

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Hi all


Just to let you know that data rebuild with my new 8tb and my second 8tb parity went good.


Since my sata cable was new for my 4tb. I'm going to change it anyway maybe it is defect. 


I'm going to do a data rebuild with my 4 tb since it pass preclear and smart test.


Thx all 


Hope not having this problem again lol


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3 hours ago, francrouge said:

I'm going to do a data rebuild with my 4 tb since it pass preclear and smart test.

Don't understand what you intend to rebuild, since you already said you succeeded with the rebuild. And it looks like you have added disk7. Let us know what you intend to do now. Changing your current configuration isn't necessary, and would probably require a New Config and parity rebuild.

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