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UnRaid crash, repeatable, no tail log


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Unraid 6.4.1


So, as the title says, unraid keeps hard-locking, forcing a restart, and I've tried to tail the log file both directly via console, and SSH, and it shows nothing.


So, fresh install (pro license) and I wanted to make a smaller array with my older drives (this I think is an issue to begin with, at least one of the drives showed an error)


Went to install the plex docker and the server just stops. Network goes down, ssh unresponsive, console keyboard no longer accepts input (but the cursor still blinks)


Things ive tried-

Unplug network

Unplug keyboard

Switch array drives (have 3 empty drives, at least 1 shows bad.. took it out and tried with just 2)


I am asuming this is happening either from A) the bad drive (which I removed and it happened again) or B) which I think may me more likly, my pcie sata 4port card isnt supported for some reason?


Nothing has changed inside my server case.. and it ran windows 10 for 6 months solid. I even went ahead and did a 2 pass memtest over night, everything came back clean.


--Server Specs--

Asus X99E WS board

I7 5820k @ 4.0ghz

32gb (non ecc) ddr4 @ 3200mhz

4 port marvell sata card (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZ9T3OU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

4 drive cage rosewill (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DGZ42SM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Weather or not my card is supported, really isnt an issue to me. The reason I purchased that card, was simply for more sata ports.. and it worked when I needed it to (and still works in windows flawlessly)


I did order (3) more toshiba x300 6tb drives, I will use those to create my array, and ive got 3 others exactally the same currently in raid0 with most of my media on it. 


Has anyone else experienced anything similar, or moreover is there anything else I can do from my end to help with diagnostics?


Crash log, showing nothing from putty/ssh (http://prntscr.com/iddegm)

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2 hours ago, tbonedude420 said:

Unraid 6.4.1


So, as the title says, unraid keeps hard-locking, forcing a restart, and I've tried to tail the log file both directly via console, and SSH, and it shows nothing.


So, fresh install (pro license) and I wanted to make a smaller array with my older drives (this I think is an issue to begin with, at least one of the drives showed an error)


Went to install the plex docker and the server just stops. Network goes down, ssh unresponsive, console keyboard no longer accepts input (but the cursor still blinks)


Things ive tried-

Unplug network

Unplug keyboard

Switch array drives (have 3 empty drives, at least 1 shows bad.. took it out and tried with just 2)


I am asuming this is happening either from A) the bad drive (which I removed and it happened again) or B) which I think may me more likly, my pcie sata 4port card isnt supported for some reason?


Nothing has changed inside my server case.. and it ran windows 10 for 6 months solid. I even went ahead and did a 2 pass memtest over night, everything came back clean.


--Server Specs--

Asus X99E WS board

I7 5820k @ 4.0ghz

32gb (non ecc) ddr4 @ 3200mhz

4 port marvell sata card (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AZ9T3OU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

4 drive cage rosewill (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DGZ42SM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


Weather or not my card is supported, really isnt an issue to me. The reason I purchased that card, was simply for more sata ports.. and it worked when I needed it to (and still works in windows flawlessly)


I did order (3) more toshiba x300 6tb drives, I will use those to create my array, and ive got 3 others exactally the same currently in raid0 with most of my media on it. 


Has anyone else experienced anything similar, or moreover is there anything else I can do from my end to help with diagnostics?


Crash log, showing nothing from putty/ssh (http://prntscr.com/iddegm)


I'd axe the Marvell card. They have been causing issues with dropped drives.


Are you running VMs and Dockers? Or just the NAS functions?


Hard lockups are pretty rare and typically hardware issues.

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11 minutes ago, SSD said:

Hard lockups are pretty rare and typically hardware issues.

This was my first thought also. 


Come Tuesday or Wednesday the postal man should be bringing me 3x more hard-drives, and on that day ill axe the add-in card, and go direct to motherboard.


Currently no VM's, and minimal docker use, as I wanted to move my files first, and then start to tinker and modify. Also.. once files are moved, I can wipe the raid0 array, pre-clear, add the drives to unraid and get parity for the first time ever. 


EDIT: ^^ This seems like a terrible idea.. can anyone chime in? Should I just wait, and add the new array and parity all at once THEN copy files, then preclear old drives and add?

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7 minutes ago, SSD said:

I'd axe the Marvell card. They have been causing issues with dropped drives.

On that idea... Lets say it is the add-in card causing issues, dropping drives, ect..


What could be done to unRaid to alleviate this kind of sigkill/sigfault crash causing a system-wide crash?

Maybe a question for @limetech? Is there anything I could provide on my end to help?

I was under the assumption the latest kernel provided much greater system stability. IIRC, my ARCH vm on my personal computer is running almost the exact same kernel, if not the same. 

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4 minutes ago, tbonedude420 said:

On that idea... Lets say it is the add-in card causing issues, dropping drives, ect..


What could be done to unRaid to alleviate this kind of sigkill/sigfault crash causing a system-wide crash?

Maybe a question for @limetech? Is there anything I could provide on my end to help?

I was under the assumption the latest kernel provided much greater system stability. IIRC, my ARCH vm on my personal computer is running almost the exact same kernel, if not the same. 


@johnnie.black might be a good one to ask. He is our resident troubleshooting wiz with these types of problems.

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