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Inconsistent Read Speeds


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I've been experiencing inconsistent read speeds, more so for one particular share which is localized to one disk (sdm)  - at least that's what I can gather - and seems to happen with SMB on a Windows 7 box and via Mac OS X as well. Certain files under this share do 7-8Mb while others can go upwards of 70-80Mb.


Seems to happen with one specific folder on the drive.... Does it make any sense that this would be the case?


Not sure what's going on here.


Attached a smart report of concerned drive.


Running 6.4.1 under ESXi.



root@Tower:~# hdparm -tT /dev/sdm

 Timing cached reads:   13790 MB in  1.99 seconds = 6931.09 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads: 566 MB in  3.01 seconds = 188.13 MB/sec


Tried the following to no avail: 









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On 2/22/2018 at 2:51 AM, johnnie.black said:

It can be a drive getting slow sectors, try moving that folder to a different disk.


Really not sure what's going on here. I've changed the drive, SAS cable and even swapped out the M1015 for another, same slow read speed.

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2 hours ago, Squid said:

File currently being seeded and read from?


Yes, files that are being seeded and in fact being affected. However,  I just realized that a recent change could be the culprit. I recently moved my downloads to a user share (which is on this one disk) that could be impacted my tests and leading me down a rabbit hole. 


I had originally had the mind to slap in a crucial 750gb MX300 ssd as a download drive and for use with dockers as well, but after reading about TLC drives I opted not to do so. Instead now, I have a small (120gb) Intel ssd for my docker images and put the downloads on a user share. Not sure I like this approach though. I may go back to using an unassigned disk outside the array for downloads, dunno...


I'd much prefer to slap everything on an ssd though.



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