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Web GUI: Squares instead of icons


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Today I did use Microsofts Edge for the first time and I do see a completely different Web UI 8-) I'm always using Chrome (latest release) on Windows 10.


Please have a look at the attached picture. Instead of icons I always get squares in Chrome.


I would like to stay with Chrome but I would like to see icons too.


What is this?


Thanks in advance.




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1 hour ago, hawihoney said:

Did clear the cache a minute ago: Still white squares.


*** EDIT***: Found it. It's "uBlock Origin". I do use that AdBlocker since years. If I switch off uBlock the icons show up.


*** EDIT2***: The rule is called "no-remote-fonts: true"

Adblockers interfering with the unRAID webUI is a well known problem mentioned many times here. The fix is to whitelist your server. There isn't going to be any unRAID "fix" for the behavior of an adblocker,.

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