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ReBuild Unraid system - help


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iam going to renew my system.

Target - *run unraid system +  * run  homebridge  not on Docker

1#. (plex media server,if i want to able run 4K, by lan, what is cheaper way - add graphic card or change cpu? i saw my MB is limited until 4Gen CPU.


MB from SuperMicro X7SP-HF to --> Asus H81M-A

CPU from Intel Atom D510 to --> Intel i3 4130 3.4ghz

Memory to corsair value 4gb ddr 1333mhz cl9

Adding pcie to sata3 asmedia ASM1061 chip  expansion card + SSD hd that i have.


2#.so first, how iam doing the moving without losing any data? 

3#. want to add Chache hd,  recomand to do it with the SSD harddrive?



Thanks alot!



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Hi -


The best way to run Plex is as a Docker.  You can also run from a VM, but your new system is under-powered to run VMs.  An SSD is recommended for a cache drive, though a spinner will work.  If you decide to run VMs then yes, it's best to start with the VM image on the cache drive.  But again, you'd want more memory and a bigger processor if you want to run VMs.

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I would also go with a minimum of 8GB (2X4GB) of RAM.  Even thinking about running Windows (using bare metal) fills me with thoughts of disappointment over performance issues. 


Personally, I would be looking at a MB with 6 SATA ports and 4 Memory slots.   That Board also has only one PCIe X16 slot which coupled with the 4 SATA ports will really limit your expansion options.  Try to get a MB with two long PCIe slots as you will have a lot more options.  Be economical in your choices not cheap...

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Hey and thanks for responding.


this MB is what i have already, i just want to combine two PC's to 1.

all the parts that i replace to, is HTPC  that i still dont use with windows home that i wanted to use for Plex server and Homebridge.

the new parts is an Unraid system PC that running and i use.


not possible to run Windows with unraid on my system that i post on top ?


all the idea for VM windows is for homebridge, i tried with docker on Unraid and i didnt succeed. there is other idea to use it and to avoid VM only for this?



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9 minutes ago, codo1234 said:

not possible to run Windows with unraid on my system that i post on top ?

I would not attempt to run a Windows VM on unRAID with anything less than a Core i5 and 16GB of RAM.  Many people will suggest a Core i7 or Xeon and 32GB.  A Core i3-4130 with 8GB would be Ok for unRAID and some Dockers.  Unfortunately I don't use Homebridge so I can't offer any help there.

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6Gb/s ok so no VM (i edit the post)

only unraid system that will run PMS

i dont want more than 6 hard drives anyway.

1. still search solution for homebridge that will run on this PC

2. to able to run 4K, by Lan, what is the cheaper way to do it - adding graphics card (which?) or to change CPU (i saw my MB is limited until 4Gen CPU)?

3. i saw i have different sata ports, its matter to which connect what? two 6gbs and two 3gbs?

4. what i suppose to instal on the Cache drive?

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If all you are trying to accomplish with your wish for VM is running homebridge and plex, then you just need to work through whatever issue you had trying to make dockers work. Did you ever get plex docker working? Lots of people have succeeded in making dockers work for them but reviewing your post history it doesn't look like you followed through.


Have you read the Docker FAQ?




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