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[unRAID 6.5.0] error: get_key_info


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Hey guys,


I've been the proud owner of an unRAID Basic Key for the last couple of weeks. 

I've ran into the same issue a couple of times now, so I'm hoping that one of you might be able to help me. 

When I need to restart my server, it sometimes doesn't want to come back online, the WebUI can't be accessed (ssh works fine tho). I've tried restarting nginx threw ssh, which sadly ends up spitting out a weird error (I forgot what it was). 

When I updates to unRAID 6.5.0 last nigh, it asked me to restart the server and of course it didn't want to come back online. The only fix that seems to work is reinstalling unraid on the USB Drive.

I checked the log before I set up the array again, and I found this weird Error: 


Mar 18 08:02:31 unRAID emhttpd: error: get_key_info, 584: Invalid argument (22): get_message: /boot/config/._Basic.key (-3)

Could that be the reason for my problems? 


Best regards




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thanks for the quick reply.

I only have one .key file on the flash drive (at least I think I do). 

The key was manually created by limetech.

Yes, the '._' files are a feature of mac os, I don't think they interfere tho. 

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4 minutes ago, holoX said:

Yes, the '._' files are a feature of mac os, I don't think they interfere tho.

Are you sure it isn't interfering in this case?


5 minutes ago, holoX said:

I only have one .key file on the flash drive (at least I think I do). 

How do you know? unRAID is seeing a file named ._Basic.key

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Omg, I just rebooted the server 3 times because I couldn't believe that it would start without any problems, but it did.

Thank you guys so much for all the help and the quick replies. 

@trurl Sorry if I sounded rude, I didn't know that there was a difference between . and ._ files (I didn't even know that these existed), as it says under my Nickname, I'm a Newbie. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hey guys! I am having the same problem but I can't find a way to delete the ._Pro.key file.  It won't show up when I plug in the USB into my mac (I have turned on show hidden files), but it does show up in the unraid GUI when the USB is connected back to the server. Any way else to delete it?? :( I don't seem to be able to use the unraid terminal

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54 minutes ago, Pjrezai said:

Hey guys! I am having the same problem but I can't find a way to delete the ._Pro.key file.  It won't show up when I plug in the USB into my mac (I have turned on show hidden files), but it does show up in the unraid GUI when the USB is connected back to the server. Any way else to delete it?? :( I don't seem to be able to use the unraid terminal

What problem exactly? The error message in the log doesn't really cause any problem. As long as you have a real .key file everything should work.


Why can't you use the Unraid terminal? What happens when you try?

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