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** VIDEO GUIDE ** How to securely autostart an encrypted unRAID array

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Isn’t the key file simply a text file containing the key you would otherwise enter via the GUI?    If so it should be trivial to create it manually.
I believe there is two types. One that uses a keyfile such as an image. The other is just text file containing passphrase.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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8 minutes ago, scubieman said:

I believe there is two types. One that uses a keyfile such as an image. The other is just text file containing passphrase.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

I think they are effectively the same thing!    It is just the image variant has binary data so cannot be entered manually.    In both cases the content of the file is used as the key.

Edited by itimpi
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you cant just open a texteditor and write the text there.... xDxDxDxD (as far as i know)


keyfile in unraid means like the whole thing (like when you open a .jpg in a texteditor)


I have a picture as my keyfile.


How to generate it out of the password itself, i guess thats something like 


-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org




maybe write a email to limetech and ask? I link him here, mabye he sees it @limetech

Edited by nuhll
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19 hours ago, 7hr08ik said:

Well, can someone check there keyfile and confirm.


If all i have to do is make a file with the password in it, and call it `keyfile` then thats an easy fix.


But seems too easy

I have checked on one of my test systems by creating an encrypted disk with a passphrase and it appears that the keyfile contents IS just the passphrase.   Note that there is no end-of-line in the file so the file terminates at the last character of my passphrase.

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48 minutes ago, 7hr08ik said:



So, opened up kate, pasted in my passphrase, saved the file as `keyfile`

Tried opening the array using the keyfile, and no dice. Won`t work


I gonna guess its to do with the end-of-line. But not a clue about that.


It is critical that you. do NOT have an end-of-line character present or that will be treated as part of the key.  

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10 minutes ago, itimpi said:

It is critical that you. do NOT have an end-of-line character present or that will be treated as part of the key.  



I understand that I need to NOT have eol. But I just dont know how to do it. All i did was paste my passphrase into the file, click save and close.

I'll try with nano and see if that makes any difference

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I am not sure if nano will automatically add the end-of-line.   I used vi where I could control that.  

A quick check is to 'cat' the file.  If there is no end-of-line then the bash prompt ends up on the same line as the passphrase.


If you want the array to autostart then you are going to need to add an entry in the 'go' file to copy your saved keyfile to /root/keyfile

Edited by itimpi
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1 minute ago, 7hr08ik said:

Tried `cat`, and the output is all on 1 line

Sounds as if the file is correct then.   Have you made sure it has been copied to /root/keyfile before trying to start the array.

3 minutes ago, 7hr08ik said:

Also, vi is scary

I agree  x but I have been using it for so long now that it's use is almost instinctual 😁

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Right, so far...


Created keyfile in kate + nano

    Used webUI to select keyfile from desktop through Firefox.

    Copied keyfile to /root

Checked 5 times passphrase in keyfile is definitely correct.

    End-of-line appears to be correct

For some reason, stopping the array is not enough, need to reboot server each time, to test.

    I know this because entering the normal passphrase after failed login with keyfile, will fail.


Surely there is a command in linux, to force print the currently used keyfile. I mean, up until 6.8.0-rc1 the keyfile was printed to /root/keyfile, and we were simply copying it to be used for this unlocking method. The new update stops emhttp from printing the file. So there`s got to be a command I can use in terminal and have the server print/create/write the keyfile it is currently using, on unlocked array, to disk so I can copy it?


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-Server started and unlocked using normal passphrase, through firefox

-Phone given static IP on router

-Edited go file exactly as shown

    Although unsure as to which ` ' im supposed to use around the password (tried both)

    Attempted all possible combinations of ` ' and without, IP address is correct, file path is correct (tried several different paths)

-Logs don't show any attemp to access ftp let alone failed attempts for me to debug


Screw it, i'll stick to passwords. This shouldn't be this damn difficult.

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Tried manually copying the keyfile to /root


No luck


Because the keyfile that was there, is no longer there???


root@Hal-9000:~# cp /boot/keyfile /root/keyfile
root@Hal-9000:~# ls
keyfile  mdcmd@
Broadcast message from root@Hal-9000 (Sun Oct 27 14:23:05 2019):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
rob@pop-os:~$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password: 
Linux 5.3.7-Unraid.
root@Hal-9000:~# ls


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