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pogoplug ------ looks a lot better than Dropbox


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I have it and well lets just say its cool, but I've been having more fun with DropBox.


Pogoplug allows you to plug in any USB Storage device, which more or less is 4 USB ports. You can then install hubs if you wish to allow for more devices.


You can then share your data with others via the plug and they can share their devices with you. Would be a pretty simple P2P sharing if you really wanted to use it for that.


What I don't like about the pogoplug. This from my limited experience so please don't take it as the word.

Ive been asking for features like the ability to track who has connected and what did they download. They say it can not be done. Magically they release a new pogoplug for business that does allow it and they charge $100 more for it. I mean come on either give your users what they want or do not. Do not insult them with putting out new devices that cost them more money and slap them in the face for it when it more or less is the same thing.


I do like the fact that you can install windows software on your Laptop that would give you a P drive and then from there no matter where you are you still have your P drive that is a virtual link to your PogoPlug no matter where you are. I live in the US and I was sharing photos from my pogoplug while I was in Canada on vacation.


I can give somebody limited access to mine if they kinda want to play on it a little bit. Call it a live demo if you must. ;) Just shot me a PM.

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Just sent you a PM. Basically its a way so you can access files, but I"m going to give you limited access so you can upload/download files. Obviously there is more that you can do, but I can't give you admin access because well then you would have admin access. LOL


I don't know of anyway to give unRAID access. I know there is a SMB hack you can do so maybe you can do it via it some how.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Tinkering around they have an entire Linux section for PogoPlug. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm thinking I might tinker some and see if I can copy files to/from pogo and backup to my unRAID.


My thinking it would be really cool to take photos and use my Android phone to upload them and then havde them backed up on my unRAID.


Well its an idea of course. ;)



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  • 2 months later...

What if Pogo Plug features were included in the next version of Unraid?

All I can say then is wow! This would become a vary good all in one solutions for not just personal, but business as well.


Turbocharge your File Sharing

Unlimited and private file sharing


Share unlimited files and folders securely with friends, family, coworkers, and clients. Share large files like photos and videos with just a simple click: no uploading required. view more



Create slideshows directly on Pogoplug's web interface using your favorite photos, videos, and music. You can even share the slide shows with others. view more

Social networking integration


Publish files to social networking web sites like Twitter, Myspace, and Facebook with just a few clicks. Notifications automatically publish on these sites whenever changes are made. view more

Web view only sharing*


Share viewable files over the web. Web view is perfect for creative professionals and photographers who want to show clients previews of work, but not allow them to download files.

Full access sharing


Create folders on your Pogoplug and grant full access sharing so others can upload, download, view and edit files. Share full resolution content with others - even those who do not own a Pogoplug.

Automatic sharing notifications


Keep people informed when changes occur to drives or folders you are sharing. With a simple click, Pogoplug will automatically send an email to the people you are sharing with or publish a notification to your social networking sites when you make changes to the shared folders or files.

Remotely Access your Files from Anywhere

Access remotely


Pogoplug gives you the flexibility to access your content from any web browser, computer, or mobile device. view more

Global search across multiple drives


With support for multiple drives on a single Pogoplug, and multiple Pogoplugs on the same account, Pogoplug’s global search feature scans all drives and Pogoplugs tied to the user. Search filters allow users to view all of their photos, videos and music in a single organized view, or to search for a specific file across all Pogoplugs and drives. view more

Free mobile application


Pogoplug offers free mobile applications on the iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and other mobile devices. Upload and share files and folders or stream music and movies on your mobile device while on the road. view more

Free desktop application


The Pogoplug desktop application for PCs and Macs makes all drives attached to your Pogoplug enabled device appear like local drives on your computer. Drag and drop files from your desktop to your Pogoplug hard drive or your Pogoplug hard drive to your desktop. view more

Organize your music, photos and videos


Pogoplug automatically displays music by album, artist and genre for easy access to all your music. Photos are displayed chronologically, and video previews can be viewed by clicking on a thumbnail.

Open URL


Allow others to view and download a file or folder without having to create a Pogoplug account. With a simple click, Pogoplug will generate an URL that links directly to the drive or folder you are sharing. You can then email, text, or copy and paste that URL anywhere you like.

Stream to your Mobile Device

Stream music, movies, and pictures from anywhere


Listen to your music using a built in media player, watch video, and browse through your photos from any web browser, computer or mobile phone.

PS3 and Xbox 360


Access, share and stream movies, music and pictures directly to PS3 or Xbox 360.

Maximize your Productivity

PDF and Microsoft Office viewer


Pogoplug will display PDF, Excel, Word and PowerPoint documents without any additional software. View all your productivity files on mobile devices like the iPad, iPhone and others. view more

Cloud/Mobile printing


Print from any mobile device, including the iPhone and iPad. Print to any Pogoplug enabled printer from anywhere in the world.

Multiple users*


Allocate space from your Pogoplug to give coworkers or clients space of their own to store and share files without having a Pogoplug of their own.



Customize the look and feel of the Pogoplug interface, including the color, logo, domain name and background image. Customize the look and feel of emails that are sent when you share or alter files.

Custom email addresses*


Claim your own custom email addresses and let your clients email files to your Pogoplug. Create an unlimited number of custom upload folders and give them each a unique email address to share with your clients.

Usage statistics and auditing*


Quickly access a summary of how many times a file or folder has been viewed, streamed or downloaded.

Remote backup


Continuously mirror all or part of your Pogoplug storage to a second Pogoplug in a remote location.

Email attachment forwarding


Email attachments sent from your email address to [email protected] will be uploaded to a Pogoplug folder that you designate.

No fees, No limits

60 Second setup


Pogoplug takes just 60 seconds to set up - no software installation required. Plug in Pogoplug to a router, add some storage, go to my.pogoplug.com and click activate to register. It's that simple.

Unlimited storage capacity


4 available USB 2.0 ports allow connection to multiple USB drives. Simply add additional USB external hard drives or thumb drives for more capacity. Use the hard drives you already own and add more over time.

No fees ever


Access, share, download, upload and store as much as you want. Buy Pogoplug - the service is free. No additional fees, ever.

Eco friendly


Pogoplug only uses 4 watts of electricity compared to a standard computer, which draws anywhere from 65 - 250 watts of electricity.

Additional Features

Video transcoding


Pogoplug automatically makes all videos playable across the web and mobile applications. Both full-length transcodes and 10 second previews are available.

HTML 5 support


Stream media to HTML 5 supported products like the iPad.

Active copy


Automatically copy photos, videos, music and other files from one folder to another. Any additions or changes to those designated files and folders will automatically copy to the destination folder you selected.



Any plugins for Unraid now that could do this? I prefer to stay away from Rsync. I really need something simple that Grandparents can click on and upload a video. I would also setup an unraid box at the grandparents place, and automatically backup all my files there as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Did some tinkering around with Pogoplug today. I was really interested to see if I could even connect to it. Well Guess what you can. ;)


1. First off you need a PogoPlug.

2. Get the app here to connect.

3. I used the instructions from here.



I just created a mount point here for testing /mnt/pogoplug


More or less this is the command I used

./pogoplugfs --user your_email_address_here --password your_password_here --mountpoint /mnt/pogoplug


This is the output of the above command. I'm going to tweak some of it just incase there is somethings that shouldn't be seen.


root@Tower:/boot# ./pogoplugfs --user your_email_address_here --password your_password_here --mountpoint /mnt/pogoplug &
[1] 29505
root@Tower:/boot# [230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] Application Started [VERSION 'LINUX GENERIC -' 'GENERIC - 0.80']
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08] Property mode:
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08]   SVCURL:      http://service.pogoplug.com/svc/api
[230749.003][307718][CEFSAP][08]   SVCFILEURL:  http://service.pogoplug.com/svc/files
[230749.003][307718][bRHTTP][02] RECONNECTING 0x816b4c0
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Error with certificate at depth: 3
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08]     subject: /L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority/CN=http://www.valicert.com//[email protected]
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08]     issuer:  /L=ValiCert Validation Network/O=ValiCert, Inc./OU=ValiCert Class 2 Policy Validation Authority/CN=http://www.valicert.com//[email protected]
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08]     error:   19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.364][307718][bRHTTP][08] Verifying SSL certificate of peer...
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08] SSL Connection complete using cipher: AES256-SHA
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08] SSL Server certificate:
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08]     subject: /O=*.pogoplug.com/OU=Domain Control Validated/CN=*.pogoplug.com
[230749.481][307718][bRHTTP][08]     issuer:  /C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/O=GoDaddy.com, Inc./OU=http://certificates.godaddy.com/repository/CN=Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority/serialNumber=07969287
[230749.769][307718][CEFSAP][08] Logged in as 'your_email_address_here' -> '0tVJJ2es2m4YOicZOFFHQxC0KC_8LtYiAA123545WFREW3423FEWE324SDFQWEQ234WERW'


I connected to the mount and saw this.

root@Tower:/boot# cd /mnt/
root@Tower:/mnt# ls
disk1/  disk2/  disk3/  disk4/  pogoplug/  user/
root@Tower:/mnt# cd pogoplug/
root@Tower:/mnt/pogoplug# ls
Files\ shared\ with\ me/  USBStick/
root@Tower:/mnt/pogoplug# cd USBStick/
root@Tower:/mnt/pogoplug/USBStick# ls
4Fred/  4show/  Droid_1/  Jeep\ Maps/  Kamee/  Larry/  Misc/  Photos/  Uploads/  Wells/  p90x/  tpc/


These are folders I have at the root of my USBStick


4Fred/  4show/  Droid_1/  Jeep\ Maps/  Kamee/  Larry/  Misc/  Photos/  Uploads/  Wells/  p90x/  tpc/


Looks like I'll have to remove spaces with either _ or just combine to keep syncing errors down.


So it looks like you can very well connect your PogoPlug to unRAID with a few commands. The reason I'm interested it would give me the chance to upload photos to my pogoplug and then sync with my photo folder on unRAID and the other way.


I'm not sure what is the best location to mount or honestly I haven't really checked permissions lol. Nevermind I just did I can create things it appears on the pogoplug via console.


Any recommendations on where I should mount? It would be kinda cool if I could mount it in around as a share so I could just have access to the plug via Linux without using PogoPlugs app that creates a virtual P drive.


killall pogoplugfs

Appears to kill the connection or the app. I tried to use umount, but it didn't seem to respond to that very well, but that killall command seems to shut it down.


root@Tower:/boot# killall pogoplugfs
[232404.184][307597][HBFUSE][08] Fuse loop exited: 0
root@Tower:/boot# [232404.223][307597][CEFSAP][08] Application Gracefully exiting...
[232404.223][307597][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************
[232404.223][307597][CEFSAP][08] **********************************************


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Ok, I was able to create a share, which I just happened to name pogoplug which I created on disk4 /mnt/user/pogoplug I of course used my permissions of read write for my account.


I then mounted my pogoplug to that share. Now when I view my network I see pogoplug as one of them. I am able to create folders on my windows machine, unRAID machine and directly via the pogoplug interface.


So its appearing that what I want is kinda happening. ;)

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Ok, I was able to create a share, which I just happened to name pogoplug which I created on disk4 /mnt/user/pogoplug I of course used my permissions of read write for my account.


I then mounted my pogoplug to that share. Now when I view my network I see pogoplug as one of them. I am able to create folders on my windows machine, unRAID machine and directly via the pogoplug interface.


So its appearing that what I want is kinda happening. ;)

Just be aware that if you were to attempt to stop the unRAID array right now it would probably not be able to un-mount the /mnt/user file system until AFTER you un-mount the pogoplug drive.


Check it out yourself, when the server is not otherwise busy, press the "Stop" button on the web-interface.  The web-interface may lock up until you log in via telnet and type

umount /mnt/usr/pogoplug


Joe L.

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Thanks Joe L.

Last night I was just killing the process, which is more or less killing the app. I did try to umount it after killing the process and this is what I got.


root@Tower:~# umount /mnt/user/pogoplug
umount: /mnt/user/pogoplug: not mounted


Just tried to stop the array and after a few seconds it shut down which to me looked like normal.


Is there a bit of code you can edit that would go along with the push button so you can build in things to shut down prior unRAID trying to shut down the array?

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From the looks of it I'll have to umount manually, but I wonder how hard it would be to incorporate umount into the shutdown script when there is a power outage and my array tries to shut down.


Unless I'm wrong I'm guessing the key would be to edit the powerdown-1.02-noarch-unRAID.tgz located in /boot/packages


I'm currently guessing it would be one of two files to make it permanent. To test I'm guessing I should tinker with the files located in ram just to play it safe since I can always reboot and reload what I know works.




Sorry If I appear to be rambling with these posts. I apologize, I tend to try and log my steps/thoughts so I don't forget where I am and possibly somebody else would throw in their thoughts.

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If you only care about tieing into a full system shutdown then you can do two things. First is merely hook into /etc/rc.d/rc.local_shutdown. Just stop your own items before it calls out to powerdown as /etc/rc.d/rc.unRAID. Though if you don't mind modifying that larger script (/etc/rc.d/rc.unRAID), you can insert your lines in the unRAID_stop() function after it stops cache_dirs and before it stops vmware.

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  • 1 year later...

Has anyone heard about or used POGOPLUG, could this work with unRAID somehow?  This would be so cool!!




The idea of paying a reoccuring fee just kills me. I hate that kind of model. I would rather pay a higher amount and get "unlimited" and never pay again. It is just another way to access your data, that's all. Save your money and use the ton of free services out there.



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  • 2 months later...
The idea of paying a reoccuring fee just kills me. I hate that kind of model. I would rather pay a higher amount and get "unlimited" and never pay again. It is just another way to access your data, that's all. Save your money and use the ton of free services out there.


The pogoplug (about $20) with the basic/free level of service is a great deal. The recurring fees are for additional services (cloud storage on pogoplug's servers, additional users, offsite archival storage) that I don't need.


The basic/free service allows you to make your own (virtually unlimited) cloud by plugging in a usb drive, or mounting an unraid share. You also get 5 GB of space in Pogoplug's cloud.


With some work you can run SAB, SB, CP, and Transmission on the pogoplug thus reducing the number of plugins running on unraid. I figure the fewer plugins I put on unraid, the more stable the unraid server will be. The pogoplug only draws about 7 watts so I don't mind leaving it on all the time.


I have no affiliation with pogoplug. There are things I don't like about the pogoplug software, but for $20 I'm a satisfied customer.

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The idea of paying a reoccuring fee just kills me. I hate that kind of model. I would rather pay a higher amount and get "unlimited" and never pay again. It is just another way to access your data, that's all. Save your money and use the ton of free services out there.


The pogoplug (about $20) with the basic/free level of service is a great deal. The recurring fees are for additional services (cloud storage on pogoplug's servers, additional users, offsite archival storage) that I don't need.


The basic/free service allows you to make your own (virtually unlimited) cloud by plugging in a usb drive, or mounting an unraid share. You also get 5 GB of space in Pogoplug's cloud.


With some work you can run SAB, SB, CP, and Transmission on the pogoplug thus reducing the number of plugins running on unraid. I figure the fewer plugins I put on unraid, the more stable the unraid server will be. The pogoplug only draws about 7 watts so I don't mind leaving it on all the time.


I have no affiliation with pogoplug. There are things I don't like about the pogoplug software, but for $20 I'm a satisfied customer.


This sounds like an interesting option. Which pogoplug do you recommend?  They are ~$22 for version 2. It looks like Archlinux can be installed with Owncloud (giving similar back-up/cloud capabilties). If you could stick transmission/SAB/CP/SB on it, and it still runs decent, that could be a alternative.


Does it do anything to help protect unRaid from the outside world?

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This sounds like an interesting option. Which pogoplug do you recommend?  They are ~$22 for version 2. It looks like Archlinux can be installed with Owncloud (giving similar back-up/cloud capabilties). If you could stick transmission/SAB/CP/SB on it, and it still runs decent, that could be a alternative.


Does it do anything to help protect unRaid from the outside world


I have the black pogoplug classic. Then box says it is a model P21, but the sticker on the bottom says its an E02.


As for protecting unRaid from the outside world, the unRaid share is as protected as anything else attached to the Pogoplug. I realize I am depending on Cloud Engines for security, but I think this is better than attempting to harden the unRaid server itself.

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