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Fix Common Problems - binhex-krusader (newbie) question

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Hello fellow Unraiders,


My very first post and I'm already messing or missing something here...


So I get the below error in Fix Common Problems :


Docker application binhex-krusader has volumes being passed that are mounted by Unassigned Devices, but they are not mounted with the slave option


Can someone please steer me in the right direction with this one? I checked the settings but couldn't see any slave options... The Unraid environmental is new to me so I didn't experiment with settings.


Many thanks in advance,



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Many thanks trurl,


I take this is the part for me:



"Generally, to have a docker application be able to see files located on another server, or stored outside the array, you would use the plugin called "Unassigned Devices" to mount the appropriate shares.

However, on versions of unRaid prior to 6.2beta 20, in order for any docker application to see the files mounted by Unassigned Devices, you must stop the entire docker service (Settings - Docker), and then restart it.

If you are running unRaid 6.2beta 20+, then you need to adjust your volume mappings mode (usually either RW or Read Only) to be RW:Slave or Read Only:Slave)"



However I don't know how to adjust your volume mappings mode in binhex-krusader to RW:Slave (RW would be needed as I use this docker to move previously backed up data to the array).

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59 minutes ago, Flamingo said:

However I don't know how to adjust your volume mappings mode in binhex-krusader to RW:Slave (RW would be needed as I use this docker to move previously backed up data to the array).


Go to the Docker tab.  Find the Binhex-Krusader in the Dockers list.  Click on it (see picture below) and select "Edit".



The Binhex-Krusader Docker edit screen pops up.  Go down the list until you see the /mnt/disks/ for the container path for unassigned.  Click the "Edit" button to the right of it.






The details pop-up for the unassigned devices paths.  Go down the list to "Access Mode" and change that to "RW/Slave" and then save.



Edited by DoItMyselfToo
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  • 1 year later...
35 minutes ago, Squid said:

You would have to go to Settings - Docker, disable the service, then enable template authoring mode, re-enable the service, and then the edit button will be there.

Beautiful, that got it. Just to add to your fix, I had to go to advanced mode to see the edit button, thanks!

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  • 2 years later...

After having binhex-krusader setup for about two months, I received this error as well from Fix Common Problems. I did not make any changes to mount options or unassigned devices. Could this be indicative of something or someone trying to access the server from outside my network? AFAIK I do not have my server open to the internet for any reason. I use it for local filesharing and backup. As a precaution I uninstalled krusader from docker apps.

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