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New to unRAID, have a question


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Hi All, 


I have no Linux knowledge at all, but am willing to learn.


Just setup my unRAID and have NZBGet, Sonarr and radarr running.

So far so good and loving it! Went and bought a Plus key after a few days.


I do have a question for any that has Hikvision IP Cameras though. (More than likely my question below has been answered somewhere, but I couldn't find anything definitive on it).


I have set up a Win 10 VM and i;m running Hikvisins iVMS Software. All is good but the problem is the way the camera record / save video files.

They basically populate a drive with video(? )files. 


So if i point the storage server at the share I set up for the camera it would populate the remainder of the arrays space with them.

I cannot see any HDD quota settings in the storage or camera settings.;


So, the question:


Is there a way to limit a share to only have a set size? ie Camera1 share only has a "HDD" size of 500GB? This would stop the Hikvision software from filling up the whole array with its files.

From my searches the answer is NO? 


I'm happy to do the following, but have an issue:

I did read something about mounting a HDD using Unassigned Devices and using that as the storage device. While I have used Unassigned Devices to copy data to my array successfully, I have installed a drive and it won't let me mount it? Every  (I do have parity running atm, is this the reason why?)


Thanks in Advance!


Back to looking at more plugins and dockers in CA ?


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Hi, I think you have to be able to set this in your software. Otherwise I would expect you to run into errors.



User Manual of iVMS-4200

page 64

7. Click Set Quota to enter the HDD management interface of the storage server. You can set the

corresponding quota ratio for record, picture and additional information.

Example: If you set the record quota as 60%, then the 60% of the storage space can be used for

storing the video files.


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1 hour ago, Plunky said:

Hi All, 


I have no Linux knowledge at all, but am willing to learn.


Just setup my unRAID and have NZBGet, Sonarr and radarr running.

So far so good and loving it! Went and bought a Plus key after a few days.


I do have a question for any that has Hikvision IP Cameras though. (More than likely my question below has been answered somewhere, but I couldn't find anything definitive on it).


I have set up a Win 10 VM and i;m running Hikvisins iVMS Software. All is good but the problem is the way the camera record / save video files.

They basically populate a drive with video(? )files. 


So if i point the storage server at the share I set up for the camera it would populate the remainder of the arrays space with them.

I cannot see any HDD quota settings in the storage or camera settings.;


So, the question:


Is there a way to limit a share to only have a set size? ie Camera1 share only has a "HDD" size of 500GB? This would stop the Hikvision software from filling up the whole array with its files.

From my searches the answer is NO? 


I'm happy to do the following, but have an issue:

I did read something about mounting a HDD using Unassigned Devices and using that as the storage device. While I have used Unassigned Devices to copy data to my array successfully, I have installed a drive and it won't let me mount it? Every  (I do have parity running atm, is this the reason why?)


Thanks in Advance!


Back to looking at more plugins and dockers in CA ?


The Unassigned drive approach should work.   You need to look further into why the drive is not mounting if you want to use that approach (the use of a parity disk is irrelevant to this).


The other possibility would be to have a share set up on the array but restrict the disk(s) it is allowed to use.


Which approach is better is likely to depend on other considerations such as performance (where the UD drive wins); resilience (where the array wins) or some other factor that matters to you.

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Thank you both.


Looks like I should have RTFM.


Only issue is I have to "format" the drive (Share) first, before I can set quotas. I did a quick google search and the Hikvision forums say it not a real format so my data should be safe. It's only movies and shows, nothing important.


It's taking a while so i'll post back with the results :)


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8 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

format and data being safe aren't two things commonly associated with one another.....


Tell me about it! That's why I went googling it. Poor choice of words/labelling on Hikvisions behalf. All it did was create data folders in the share. But now I have another hurdle. It drops the "Initialised" or "Formatted" HDD when I try setup the camera and goes back to uninitialised or unformatted because of the "Drive" size being to large. Its a bug on Hikvisions end ?


Think I may have to move on to some other IP Cam software...

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14 hours ago, itimpi said:

The other possibility would be to have a share set up on the array but restrict the disk(s) it is allowed to use.

That was my thought when I read OP. 


9 hours ago, Plunky said:

Blue Iris somewhere down the track and after a little research on it.

I've started playing with Blue Iris, for work, it has multiple options for data management. One thing I don't like about the software, buying it -- web site defaults adding, "download protection," (which for what I can tell doesn't do s*&t) milking customer out of $10 if you don't pay attention. 

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  • 5 months later...
On 7/11/2018 at 4:45 AM, Plunky said:


Tell me about it! That's why I went googling it. Poor choice of words/labelling on Hikvisions behalf. All it did was create data folders in the share. But now I have another hurdle. It drops the "Initialised" or "Formatted" HDD when I try setup the camera and goes back to uninitialised or unformatted because of the "Drive" size being to large. Its a bug on Hikvisions end ?


Think I may have to move on to some other IP Cam software...

The Hikvision software has a number of quirks that you'll find scattered across various forums. Once you figure them all out, it works.


If BlueIris is working, great. Otherwise, Ivideon and Zoneminder were my two first choices.

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