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MineOS support?


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I have MineOS docker up and running, but I'm now trying to import a world my kids made (bare with me, I know little to nothing about MC)

That being said, I see where there is an option in the MineOS gui to import a world. Mine kid has exported their world to the .zip, but I have no idea where to copy this file to so that MineOS can import it and that I can run it on our server. ANY help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Typically if you place all the world files in a servers folder, & reboot MinOS they should  show up as avaiable... Mine are below. All but "RykersServer" were downloaded and imported from the internet by placing the server files in the corresponding folders as shown. ie. each server having its own folder





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2 hours ago, clowrym said:

Typically if you place all the world files in a servers folder, & reboot MinOS they should  show up as avaiable... Mine are below. All but "RykersServer" were downloaded and imported from the internet by placing the server files in the corresponding folders as shown. ie. each server having its own folder






Can you recommend a good server/world please?  My kids are pestering me to get 'mods' and I have no idea which one to go for, or how to install until your post.


Which docker are you using by the way?



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Im using my own docker for Mine-OS, One of the best ones Ive seen would be the Terra swoop force Map, Here, Make sure you install the resource pack on their comp or they wont get the textures etc required to play!. Its actually a full role playing minecraft map where you have to fly to the center of the earth to try and save some scientists!! pretty amazing what they have created!! It took my son quite a while to be able to navigate the tunnels and get to the end!!

Not sure how old your kids are, mine is 9...well the only one still playing minecraft anyway!! but i can pm you a server address they can go and try it out!!

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On 7/14/2018 at 3:39 AM, nuhll said:

...? Your kids must tell you what they want to play, there are servival 1000 of different mods. The world they have build themself.


Dynamap is a good plugin as well, you can see what they have created in the browser, chat and interact with players.


I've installed a Maze runner map, that works like the movie, you wake up in a pit in the center and you have to navigate a maze to find wool blocks and place them in the exit to get out, dont get stuck in the maze at night when the doors close...........Hunger games map where you all start in a room which transports you to a circle where you have to get weapons before other people and kill your opponent, last man standing wins. One called temple escape where you solve puzzles in order to get through different rooms to the end, Hogwarts, just like Harry potter w/ a spellbook that does different things & a Parkour course. I also have Kings landing...if your a Game of thrones fan!



Lately since Fortnite has comne out, he hasnt played much minecraft, but he does get on there now and again!!


Some maps you have to install as stand alone servers and others you can add as seperate maps, So I also run a bungeecord server to be able to navigate between all the different worlds and not have to leave the initial server to get there! Origionally I had all the different maps set up as different servers on different ports... But that became a pain trying to explain to all his friends how to get to a different server.


Lastly I run a teamspeak docker so they can all talk in private when they are playing!

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Sorry for the delayed response here. I did actually get it up and running. It seems though that it will not launch under the newly released 1.13jar

I hit the start button and it literally does nothing at all. No error no message. Nothing


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