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Beware: Newegg phishing e-mail


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Thought I'd pass this along, since newegg is used here a lot. 


At my wifes office, they use it also.  Today, my wife got an e-mail that looked like it was an order confirmation from newegg.  The tipoff was that they didn't have any outstanding hardware orders, so she knew something was funny.  She showed me the e-mail, and it looked 100% legit, right down to having the name of one of the doctors at the practice listed in the billing and shipping info.


Here's the e-mail that newegg sent her after she called them.


11:16:17 AM : [Name removed]: Newegg.com just became aware of a phishing e-mail scam disguised as an order confirmation e-mail. Newegg takes the security of customer information extremely seriously and wants to assure you these phishing e-mails are in no way affiliated with or originating from Newegg. We have taken immediate steps to verify no customer data has been breached and to inform the proper authorities. Rest assured your information is safe with us. The order number is not a valid Newegg order number. Your credit card information or personal information was not compromised.




If you have received a suspect email, we strongly advise that you DO NOT respond, download or click any of the links on the e-mail. Please refer to our FAQ page for tips on how to identify and protect yourself against such attacks in the future:


How do I identify Phishing or Spoofed E-mails?


Online scams and phishing attacks are an unfortunately common and industry-wide issue. Newegg.com will NEVER ask you for your password, financial or personal information in an e-mail communication.

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If you configure your mail reader to only show plain text, and strip out all HTML, you'd easily see these forgeries.


HTML e-mail is an idea that should never crawled out of the toilet.


Agreed, but it is what it is... Just passing along something that might smack someone who might not be paying attention :)

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