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Sleep/HDD Spindown


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Hi Guys,


I have currently built my unraid server and am in the process of pre clearing the disks. I have a question re the Dynamix sleep plugin. When the server goes to sleep due toi inactivity will it wake up by simply accessing a file through the server. EG starting a stream on the Nvidia Shield? My Server is going to be used for only storing media and i work shift work so i may want to use it all hours of the night/day. Am i betting off just using a hdd spin down instead of sleep?




4 hours ago, shazza6887 said:

Hi Guys,


I have currently built my unraid server and am in the process of pre clearing the disks. I have a question re the Dynamix sleep plugin. When the server goes to sleep due toi inactivity will it wake up by simply accessing a file through the server.

No, to wake the server remotely from the S3 sleep state you would need to use Wake On Lan. I dont know how familiar you are with WOL but it entails sending a "Magic Packet" to the server to wake it up, usually through a special program. I have an app on my phone that i use to send WOL packets when i am connected to my home network. IDK what media client program you are using on the shield, but there are some that have an option or plugin to wake servers with WOL. 


Ye i figured there was something like that, What is the app on your phone you use? I am pretty sure kodi has a WOL ferature, i would first have to enable it in my bios correct?

11 hours ago, shazza6887 said:

Ye i figured there was something like that, What is the app on your phone you use? I am pretty sure kodi has a WOL ferature, i would first have to enable it in my bios correct?


There are several ways to wake up the server:

!!! For all this examples you need to config your Server-BIOS for WOL first !!!


1) Over a magic packet within your LAN (WOL - Wake on LAN) or over the internet (WOW - Wake on WAN)

2) Over an App like "Wake On Lan" (Android) - works with WOL and WOW https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.mrwebb.wakeonlan

3) Directly, when you start your program (Plex, Kodi) on your PC - for this you can use a *.bat file which starts your client and then send the magic packet.

You can do this over wolcmd.exe (Windows)


If you use a Raspberry (like me) for Plex (or Kodi), you have to use the Phone-App because Plex doesnt have a WOL-function integrated!


Broadcast Example (within a *.bat File) for a Windows machine to send a WOW (Wake on WAN):

wolcmd 0A0A0A0A0A0A 66666


The 0As are the MAC of your server

The 199s are your IP on the Internet

The 255s are the broadcast adress

66666 is the Port where the WOL-Packed comes in. The Router must take it and forward it to port 9 (Firewall rule needed)

For a dynamic DNS entry replace the 199s with your dynDNS entry like xyz.dyndns.org (example).


The App can also remotely wake your Server over WAN (internet) but only with a propper config on your Router (Broadcast)

And here is an example for a *.bat file (with wake.exe) - this works only within your LAN:


cd \
cd "000 - SUPPORT"
cd "WOL Tool"
wake FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 192.168.x.x

cd \
cd "Program Files (x86)"
cd "Plex Home Theater"
"Plex Home Theater.exe"


When you execute the *.bat, it sends an WOL to the server and starts the Plex-Client.



2 hours ago, Zonediver said:

And here is an example for a *.bat file (with wake.exe) - this works only within your LAN:


cd \
cd "000 - SUPPORT"
cd "WOL Tool"
wake FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF 192.168.x.x

cd \
cd "Program Files (x86)"
cd "Plex Home Theater"
"Plex Home Theater.exe"


When you execute the *.bat, it sends an WOL to the server and starts the Plex-Client.


Nice! I'd add a line to wait until the IP started responding to pings before starting Plex though.

15 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Nice! I'd add a line to wait until the IP started responding to pings before starting Plex though.

Like this? ;-)


@echo off
wake 00-00-00-00-00-00
ping -n 3>NUL
cd /Program Files (x86)
cd OpenPHT


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