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Help with new drive on Unraid setup


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Hey Everyone, 


I have been running an unraid server for quite a while without problems.   One of my oldest drives is starting to fail.  So I ordered in a new drive, and installed it in the system, but unraid doesnt show it available to pre-clear, or even put in the old drives place so I can rebuild on it.  


Under devices, it does show the drive listed, but I cant find it in my devices or do anything with it.  Any thoughts?


I've added my diagnostics.


Thank you for your assistance!




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2 hours ago, coltonc18 said:

unraid doesnt show it available to pre-clear, or even put in the old drives place so I can rebuild on it. 


unRAID will never make changes to disk assignments by itself so it will never automatically assign a new disk to a slot. Instead it should display it as an unassigned device, but you say that isn't happening.


You only included your syslog. Go to Tools -> Diagnostics and post the complete zip file.

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17 minutes ago, John_M said:


unRAID will never make changes to disk assignments by itself so it will never automatically assign a new disk to a slot. Instead it should display it as an unassigned device, but you say that isn't happening.


You only included your syslog. Go to Tools -> Diagnostics and post the complete zip file.

Sorry, I thought only that file would be needed.  Here is full zip file. 


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