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Extremely slow data-rebuild


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Hi all.
So i've been using unraid for a while now and are very happy with it, moving from an ubuntu nas build.
I just upgraded one of my 2tb with a 6tb hdd and startede the data rebuild but its taking a very long time. I ran a parity sync the day before and that only tool 13~ hours at about 100 MB/s but swapping my 2tb with a 6tb is only about 10MB/s and will take about 6-7 days? i tryed disabeling all dockers and vm's but with no help.
I've attached my diagnostic and some screen shots
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



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1 hour ago, DeathCon4 said:

My LSI Raid controller is an old one. It dont support jbod so it makes a virtuelle drive and won't passthrough SMART

Applying some deductive reasoning, I would guess that you have a marginal drive that is slowing the process. Without SMART, who knows how healthy your drives actually are.


This is a very bad thing, as ALL of your drives need to be healthy to rebuild a missing drive. If you have marginal drives that are not reading perfectly, your rebuilt disk will have corrupt data.


Hopefully you have good backups.

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I did a parity check the day before with no errors and it was quite fast, and i suffer no speed issues writing to and reading from the arrary so i dont believe thers an issiue with any of the drives.
The raid controller is an d2607-a21 gs1 with a LSI SAS2008 chip. - it cant passthrough SMART when all the disks is in raid 0 with a virtual drive but the controller itself monitors the HDD and takes it offline if it registers anything wrong with it - ie bad sectors. Right now all the drives is monitered as healthy

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One of the many reasons RAID controllers are not recommend for Unraid, difficult to offer some help without all the diagnostics data, it could also be related to the controller itself, since LSI RAID controllers use a different driver, and there aren't many users using them with Unraid, though I wouldn't expect that by itself to limit the rebuild to those speeds.

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