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Syncronize multiple Instances of XBMC through out the house


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You can always hackintosh together a Plex box. That is not a big deal.


What is a big deal is that OSX prevents changing the refresh rate to match the material. On my XBMC Linux box I have done all sorts of Xorg wizardry so that when content is 24p the display automatically switches over:




Plex can't do this due to OSX restrictions (OSX can run in 24p, it just can't switch by res by command), so Plex will always be second rate for local HD content.


Now for streaming content, there is nothing better on the planet than Plex. That is why it stays in my bedroom....

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I have made some progress on this. There is talk about the XBMC scraper being given a linux tool to work independently.


SQL on unRAID is just a matter of us doing it. Fanart etc solution is on the cards but not complete as yet.


If i am not mistaken Plex Media Centre (the server part) will be closed source. This is likely to do with DRM since Plex is now getting in bed with large company's such as LG. This is not a bad thing but it is not and never will be for me.

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