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Cant access by server name anymore


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Hi All,


I am sorry if this is covered elsewhere but here goes, i have upgraded Unriad to the latest version and all was fine until i reset my desktop from which i remote into unraid. I think there was a windows update or something. Anyway i now can't access Unraid anymore by typing in the server name into Mozilla. I can still access it by IP address and it still appears all fine under network tab.


Please keep in mind i am pretty much a novice with netwroking terms etc so please be gentle...




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19 hours ago, shazza6887 said:
Anyway i now can't access Unraid anymore by typing in the server name into Mozilla

This is a common issue with Windows 10 as they are trying to get rid of SMBv1 support and often disable it in updates.


There are many potential fixes depending on exactly what has been enabled or disabled on your system.


See the thread linked below and pay particular attention to page 2.  For me the fix was enabling SMB 1.0/CIFS in Turn Windows features on or off.



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2 hours ago, shazza6887 said:

Any other suggestions to maybe try?

The solutions that have worked for others are in the discussion I linked in my first post. 


I no longer have any Windows 7 machines and most of these issue have been with Windows 10; however, many of the solutions listed are likely applicable to Windows 7 as well.

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17 hours ago, shazza6887 said:


Ip adress as i would type it in my browser then tab across and put the server name?

Yes, that is correct.  Did you save hosts file as file type "all files" with no extension and reboot your Windows 7 machine after editing the hosts file?


That fix may or may not work in your case, but, there are others in the thread.  Unfortunately this issue has many causes and solutions.

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4 hours ago, Hoopster said:

Yes, that is correct.  Did you save hosts file as file type "all files" with no extension and reboot your Windows 7 machine after editing the hosts file?


That fix may or may not work in your case, but, there are others in the thread.  Unfortunately this issue has many causes and solutions.

No, only as a .txt as thats how it was originally. I will give it a go and report back.



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On 10/21/2018 at 8:34 PM, shazza6887 said:

I am actually running windows 7,


For me the fix was enabling SMB 1.0/CIFS in Turn Windows features on or off. - I actually do not have this as an option in that list?


Any other suggestions to maybe try?





I had a problem with Win7 that fits what you are describing.  What I traced the problem to the fact that I was using Workgroups rather than Homegroups.  (Believe that MS also make a change to Win7's workgroup properties/policies in one of their updates as they did with Win10.)  Have not had an issue since I made the change.  You can also open Windows Explorer.  Navigate to your server using it IP address (  \\ --- as an example) Then create a shortcut on your desktop or in a folder.   Then you can just use the shortcut to get to your server.  

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