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Guide: How To Use Rclone To Mount Cloud Drives And Play Files


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On 11/6/2021 at 6:57 PM, T0rqueWr3nch said:

Nope, I haven't noted any ill effects so far.


Unraid's umask seems to be set to wide open (checked by running umask -S which returns 000), so I really don't understand what could've changed. Reviewing this stuff does make me wonder again if I should be doing more for ransomware protection...


I just made the switch to use the nobody:users as well. Going to see if it causes any issues for me as well. Definitely a safer implementation I believe. If there aren't any issues after a week or so, I think you should submit it for a pull request.


I'm a little confused what the change was as well...


If anyone want to try the nobody:users permissions for the rclone mount, add the below in the rclone_mount script.


# create rclone mount

    --uid 99 \
    --gid 100 \

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I posted earlier and in the meantime tried combing through the posts here. Im trying to setup the following;


- A standard Unraid media setup with plex, downloaders, media managers that I currently have in place. (uses /mnt/user/data currently)

- Setup a remote library, using the guide on this forum, that I add specific files from the local library to be uploaded and held only in the cloud.


Question is how to I accomplish this? Do I rejig everything so that my current library is a subfolder within the "local" folder created in the mount scripts? Do I simply add my current library directory to the "LocalFilesShares2" in the optional settings in the mount script?


Since I have very limited experience with this I've tried experimenting using test files and if I add my library to "LocalFilesShares2" they appear in the mergerfs mount but moving any of the files "local" mount results in a full file move instead of a hardlink. Im guessing because its traversing unraid shares?


Anyone know the best way to accomplish this?

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On 11/9/2021 at 12:47 AM, Roudy said:


I just made the switch to use the nobody:users as well. Going to see if it causes any issues for me as well. Definitely a safer implementation I believe. If there aren't any issues after a week or so, I think you should submit it for a pull request.


I'm a little confused what the change was as well...


If anyone want to try the nobody:users permissions for the rclone mount, add the below in the rclone_mount script.


# create rclone mount

    --uid 99 \
    --gid 100 \


i am still exsperiencing the issue with the permissions, even after i updated mount script and put in the /000 part.

it's primarily in sonarr im having this issue? image.thumb.png.2dde83ddcae216973cb32f5dff10ff95.png


it's true that the path there sonarr should move it to, there is no dir for it to move to, but i think sonarr should create that path itself? :)

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3 hours ago, Playerz said:

i am still exsperiencing the issue with the permissions, even after i updated mount script and put in the /000 part.


Did you restart your system after the implementation? Is the a umask variable on your Sonarr docker? Can you shot what an "ls -l" looks like for your gdrive directory?


3 hours ago, Playerz said:

it's true that the path there sonarr should move it to, there is no dir for it to move to, but i think sonarr should create that path itself?


Yes, Sonarr should make the path, but it does not have the rights to do it. 

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On 11/10/2021 at 8:27 PM, stefan416 said:

I posted earlier and in the meantime tried combing through the posts here. Im trying to setup the following;


- A standard Unraid media setup with plex, downloaders, media managers that I currently have in place. (uses /mnt/user/data currently)

- Setup a remote library, using the guide on this forum, that I add specific files from the local library to be uploaded and held only in the cloud.


Question is how to I accomplish this? Do I rejig everything so that my current library is a subfolder within the "local" folder created in the mount scripts? Do I simply add my current library directory to the "LocalFilesShares2" in the optional settings in the mount script?


Since I have very limited experience with this I've tried experimenting using test files and if I add my library to "LocalFilesShares2" they appear in the mergerfs mount but moving any of the files "local" mount results in a full file move instead of a hardlink. Im guessing because its traversing unraid shares?


Anyone know the best way to accomplish this?


I want to make sure I understand everything correctly. You want to have a share that has local and remote files in it, and you will choose which ones you want local and which are remote? Or are you trying to choose certain files to have a copy of in the cloud as well?

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3 hours ago, Roudy said:


I want to make sure I understand everything correctly. You want to have a share that has local and remote files in it, and you will choose which ones you want local and which are remote? Or are you trying to choose certain files to have a copy of in the cloud as well?

The former. Id like to upload extra (lesser watched)  media to the cloud. I think I have it working for the most part with some slight hiccups. I've set it up as follows;


Since the mount script creates two shares (mount_mergerfs and mount_rclone)I have the following structure:



------> media (which contains my original library and download folders)

------> gdrive_media (functions as the "local" folder that the mount script uses)





I use Sonarr/Radarr along with qBittorrent and Sabnzbd. By default I want everything I download to be stored locally so everything I download automatically gets put into the data/media/ folder. I then manually chose via my PC what to move over to the  data/gdrive_media folder which then uploads everything correctly.


I have Plex pointed to mount_mergerfs and it successfully finds all the media it is combined from data/media and data/gdrive_media.


The hiccup I have now is Sonarr currently has the root folder set to data/media/tv as everything by default is local. If I then transfer something to the cloud it breaks as the files are now only located at mount_mergerfs. I've tried making Sonarr's root folder mount_mergerfs but it then transfers all downloads to the data/gdrive_media folder and uploads to the cloud. It does this with an actual move instead of a hardlink too so its slow.


Here is my mount script:


#### Mount Script ####
## Version ##


# 1. Change the name of the rclone remote and shares to match your setup
# 2. NOTE: enter RcloneRemoteName WITHOUT ':'
# 3. Optional: include custom command and bind mount settings
# 4. Optional: include extra folders in mergerfs mount

RcloneRemoteName="gdrive_media" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data
RcloneMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone
RcloneMountDirCacheTime="720h" # rclone dir cache time
LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/data" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable
RcloneCacheShare="/mnt/user/mount_rclone" # location of rclone cache files without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user0/mount_rclone
RcloneCacheMaxSize="350G" # Maximum size of rclone cache
RcloneCacheMaxAge="336h" # Maximum age of cache files
MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs" # location without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable
DockerStart="sabnzbd plex sonarr radarr qbittorrentvpn emby" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page
MountFolders=\{"movies,movies4k,tv,tv4k"\} # comma separated list of folders to create within the mount

# Note: Again - remember to NOT use ':' in your remote name above


# Add extra paths to mergerfs mount in addition to LocalFilesShare
LocalFilesShare2="/mnt/user/data/media" # without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user/other__remote_mount/or_other_local_folder.  Enter 'ignore' to disable

# Add extra commands or filters


Edited by stefan416
added mount script
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19 hours ago, stefan416 said:

The hiccup I have now is Sonarr currently has the root folder set to data/media/tv as everything by default is local. If I then transfer something to the cloud it breaks as the files are now only located at mount_mergerfs. I've tried making Sonarr's root folder mount_mergerfs but it then transfers all downloads to the data/gdrive_media folder and uploads to the cloud. It does this with an actual move instead of a hardlink too so its slow.


There are going to be a couple of ways to approach this. 


First, we will need to fix some parts of your script that may be causing some conflicts. You will want to distinctly separate LocalFilesShare from LocalFilesShare2, because the items that are in LocalFilesShare are awaiting upload to the remote drive. In your case, you have LocalFilesShare2 "/mnt/user/data/media" as a sub directory of LocalFilesShare "/mnt/user/data". You will want something more like the below.





The easiest way I think to accomplish what you are wanting to do is to have 2 separate directories so you can see which are remote and which are local easily. So with this method, you wouldn't need the LocalFilesShare2 in your script. So you would have your local media in "/mnt/user/data/media/tv/" and remote media in "/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv/". When you set that up, you will establish another root folder in your Sonarr or Radarr (Settings>Madia Management>Root Folders) and add both paths for your TV shows. Then when you want to move it to the cloud, you can just edit the series' path from "/mnt/user/data/media/tv/Example Show" to "/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv/Example Show" and Sonarr will even offer to move the data for you.


Once you have established that, you will just need to add the other folder to your Plex/media manager library. For Plex, you will edit the Library (Manage Library>Edit...) and add the other folder under the "Add folders" section. Then Plex will scan both locations for media and will detect the change from one folder to another after a short time and point the media there.


The more difficult way in my opinion, would be to use the LocalFileShares2 and merge the local and remote folders entirely, but I you will have to manage each new show as it is added to have it add to the local path or the remote. After that, it should stay local. I use the word should* here because I didn't test it myself to ensure the behavior of it. 


I hope that makes sense or helps. 

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3 hours ago, Roudy said:


There are going to be a couple of ways to approach this. 


First, we will need to fix some parts of your script that may be causing some conflicts. You will want to distinctly separate LocalFilesShare from LocalFilesShare2, because the items that are in LocalFilesShare are awaiting upload to the remote drive. In your case, you have LocalFilesShare2 "/mnt/user/data/media" as a sub directory of LocalFilesShare "/mnt/user/data". You will want something more like the below.





The easiest way I think to accomplish what you are wanting to do is to have 2 separate directories so you can see which are remote and which are local easily. So with this method, you wouldn't need the LocalFilesShare2 in your script. So you would have your local media in "/mnt/user/data/media/tv/" and remote media in "/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv/". When you set that up, you will establish another root folder in your Sonarr or Radarr (Settings>Madia Management>Root Folders) and add both paths for your TV shows. Then when you want to move it to the cloud, you can just edit the series' path from "/mnt/user/data/media/tv/Example Show" to "/mnt/user/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv/Example Show" and Sonarr will even offer to move the data for you.


Once you have established that, you will just need to add the other folder to your Plex/media manager library. For Plex, you will edit the Library (Manage Library>Edit...) and add the other folder under the "Add folders" section. Then Plex will scan both locations for media and will detect the change from one folder to another after a short time and point the media there.


The more difficult way in my opinion, would be to use the LocalFileShares2 and merge the local and remote folders entirely, but I you will have to manage each new show as it is added to have it add to the local path or the remote. After that, it should stay local. I use the word should* here because I didn't test it myself to ensure the behavior of it. 


I hope that makes sense or helps. 



You're right that does seem like the better way to do it since It one step regardless (either through sonarr/radarr or in windows explorer).


How would you suggest setting up my upload script? When I changed my localFilesShare to /mnt/data/upload i seem get a "gdrive_media" folder within my gdrive_media folder along with my outlined folders.


On another note. would there be any harm in duplicating the mount script so one runs at array startup (along with the unmount script as outlined in the guide) and then one instance on a timed interval?

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35 minutes ago, stefan416 said:

How would you suggest setting up my upload script? When I changed my localFilesShare to /mnt/data/upload i seem get a "gdrive_media" folder within my gdrive_media folder along with my outlined folders.


You may have to provide an example of what you are referring to on this one. I was picturing your file structure something like below from your mount script. If you're saying there are 2 gdrive_media folders, one inside the other, you may need to unmount and remount or restart. It shouldn't have ended up like that.






40 minutes ago, stefan416 said:

On another note. would there be any harm in duplicating the mount script so one runs at array startup (along with the unmount script as outlined in the guide) and then one instance on a timed interval?


There isn't really a need for one at array start. When media is transferred to the mergerfs, it will really transfer to the "/mnt/user/data/upload/gdrive_media/" where it will wait for 15 minutes and then upload the next time the script is ran. I have mine running every 15 minutes, so worst case it will run 15 minutes after start up. Either way, you will maintain access to the files through the mergerfs and it should be transparent to you and your services.

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2 hours ago, Roudy said:


You may have to provide an example of what you are referring to on this one. I was picturing your file structure something like below from your mount script. If you're saying there are 2 gdrive_media folders, one inside the other, you may need to unmount and remount or restart. It shouldn't have ended up like that.







The restart did the trick!  Do you know if transfers from /data/media to /data/mergerfs are supposed to be instant? moves from /data/media to /data/uploads are

Edited by stefan416
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7 minutes ago, stefan416 said:


The restart did the trick!  Do you know if transfers from /data/media to /data/mergerfs are supposed to be instant? moves from /data/media to /data/uploads are


They may not be because your system sees the mergerfs as a separate drive. You can move the files to the /data/uploads/ if it is faster, it will upload either way. The important part is to point Plex or your media server to the mergerfs share, as it will combine the local and the remote.

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43 minutes ago, Roudy said:


They may not be because your system sees the mergerfs as a separate drive. You can move the files to the /data/uploads/ if it is faster, it will upload either way. The important part is to point Plex or your media server to the mergerfs share, as it will combine the local and the remote.

hmmm. When I had first set everything up in the standard config Unraid created a share "mount_mergerfs" since mount_mergerfs was under /user. I was hoping by having it all under /data (which is the original media share) that everything would move instantaenously. am I mistaking how that all works?

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hmmm. When I had first set everything up in the standard config Unraid created a share "mount_mergerfs" since mount_mergerfs was under /user. I was hoping by having it all under /data (which is the original media share) that everything would move instantaenously. am I mistaking how that all works?

It’s only like that if it transfers to a new location on the same physical drive. When you transfer to the mergerfs, the system sees it as a separate drive even if the upload folder it’s going to get sent to is the same. So the system transfers it to the mergerfs and the mergerfs transfers it to another location on the same drive in your case. That’s why I said earlier you can just transfer it to the /mint/user/upload/ folder if it is faster and it will do the same…

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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16 hours ago, Roudy said:

Once you have established that, you will just need to add the other folder to your Plex/media manager library. For Plex, you will edit the Library (Manage Library>Edit...) and add the other folder under the "Add folders" section. Then Plex will scan both locations for media and will detect the change from one folder to another after a short time and point the media there.

Another way to update Plex (better in the long run IMO) is to add your new merged folder to Plex which contains ALL your media (remote, local & local pending upload), then scan it, and when it's finished scanning, remove your old local folders from Plex and all your media will be in Plex with just your mergerfs file references.


This is a better solution, because if you decide to e.g. move a TV show in the future from local-->local-pending-->remote, this won't be transparent to Plex and you won't have to mess around with Emptying Trash or files becoming temporariliy unavailable.

Edited by DZMM
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9 hours ago, Roudy said:

They may not be because your system sees the mergerfs as a separate drive.

this is why I recommend that dockers mappings ONLY use the mergerfs folders, otherwise you lose out on all the file-transfer benefits e.g. hardlinking, as unRAID will see files in /local and /mount_rclone and /mount_mergerfs as different files, when they might be the same.


/local should only be used to manually verify everything is working correctly.

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4 hours ago, DZMM said:

Another way to update Plex (better in the long run IMO) is to add your new merged folder to Plex which contains ALL your media (remote, local & local pending upload), then scan it, and when it's finished scanning, remove your old local folders from Plex and all your media will be in Plex with just your mergerfs file references.


This is a better solution, because if you decide to e.g. move a TV show in the future from local-->local-pending-->remote, this won't be transparent to Plex and you won't have to mess around with Emptying Trash or files becoming temporariliy unavailable.

I see. I think thats how my first attempt was setup but then ran into the sonarr issue. It woudl be nice if sonarr could has a series in two locations at once instead of only being able to have one root folder.


regarding having all the dockers reference mergerfs folder, I currently have my dockers all mounting /user which I thought would take care of the actual writing of moves issue but it only works when moving to and from /media and /upload. same with my /downloads and /upload. Maybe it doesnt matter if I have the mergerfs folder setup under /user vs /user/data?


user /data

            |-----> /media/tv

            |-----> /upload/gdrive_media/tv

            |-----> /mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv           

            |-----> /downloads


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I have been using these scripts for a decent amount of time now and every integration works (plex, sonarr, radarr) as intended, but for some reason, I tend to get an empty "gdrive_vfs"  folder on my mount-mergerfs share after each run/reboot.


Nothing major aside from the base script - just the location of the mount_rclone and mount_mergerfs shares (mirror is an ssd-mirror)

RcloneRemoteName="gdrive_vfs" # Name of rclone remote mount WITHOUT ':'. NOTE: Choose your encrypted remote for sensitive data
RcloneMountShare="/mnt/mirror/mount_rclone" # where your rclone remote will be located without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_rclone
RcloneMountDirCacheTime="720h" # rclone dir cache time
LocalFilesShare="/mnt/user/local" # location of the local files and MountFolders you want to upload without trailing slash to rclone e.g. /mnt/user/local. Enter 'ignore' to disable
RcloneCacheShare="/mnt/mirror/mount_rclone" # location of rclone cache files without trailing slash e.g. /mnt/user0/mount_rclone
RcloneCacheMaxSize="100G" # Maximum size of rclone cache - 400G Default
RcloneCacheMaxAge="24h" # Maximum age of cache files - 336H Default
MergerfsMountShare="/mnt/mirror/mount_mergerfs" # location without trailing slash  e.g. /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs. Enter 'ignore' to disable
#DockerStart="nzbget plex sonarr radarr ombi" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page
DockerStart="plex tautulli readarr sonarr radarr radarr-kids overseerr" # list of dockers, separated by space, to start once mergerfs mount verified. Remember to disable AUTOSTART for dockers added in docker settings page
MountFolders=\{"media/audiobooks,media/movies,media/movies-kids,media/movies-music,media/tv,media/tv-kids,retro"\} # comma separated list of folders to create within the mount



this would be the content of my mount-mergerfs folder

root@unRAID:/mnt/mirror/mount_mergerfs# ls


and the content of the top-level gdrive_vfs

root@unRAID:/mnt/mirror/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_vfs# ls
gdrive_vfs/  media/  mountcheck  retro/


Any Thoughts?

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1 hour ago, stefan416 said:

I see. I think thats how my first attempt was setup but then ran into the sonarr issue. It woudl be nice if sonarr could has a series in two locations at once instead of only being able to have one root folder.


regarding having all the dockers reference mergerfs folder, I currently have my dockers all mounting /user which I thought would take care of the actual writing of moves issue but it only works when moving to and from /media and /upload. same with my /downloads and /upload. Maybe it doesnt matter if I have the mergerfs folder setup under /user vs /user/data?


user /data

            |-----> /media/tv

            |-----> /upload/gdrive_media/tv

            |-----> /mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv           

            |-----> /downloads



I don't think you are understanding what we're saying. It has nothing to do with the folder and everything to do with what drive that folder/data that Unraid thinks its located on. I appended an example of what Unraid would see your file structure as to hopefully help you understand. If you want instant transfers, you should look into the second option I recommended earlier that I did not test. I quoted it below for you. 


user/data (sda1)

            |-----> /media/tv (sda1)

            |-----> /upload/gdrive_media/tv (sda1)

            |-----> /mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv (mergerfs drive)          

            |-----> /downloads (sda1)

user/mount_rclone (rclone mount drive)


22 hours ago, Roudy said:

The more difficult way in my opinion, would be to use the LocalFileShares2 and merge the local and remote folders entirely, but I you will have to manage each new show as it is added to have it add to the local path or the remote. After that, it should stay local. I use the word should* here because I didn't test it myself to ensure the behavior of it. 


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5 minutes ago, Roudy said:


I don't think you are understanding what we're saying. It has nothing to do with the folder and everything to do with what drive that folder/data that Unraid thinks its located on. I appended an example of what Unraid would see your file structure as to hopefully help you understand. If you want instant transfers, you should look into the second option I recommended earlier that I did not test. I quoted it below for you. 


user/data (sda1)

            |-----> /media/tv (sda1)

            |-----> /upload/gdrive_media/tv (sda1)

            |-----> /mergerfs/gdrive_media/tv (mergerfs drive)          

            |-----> /downloads (sda1)

user/mount_rclone (rclone mount drive)



Ahhhh so you're saying what physical disk it's on? I though that if everything was under the same share (folder under /user) that the relevant subfolders would be created on all the disks included in that share so you wouldnt have to cross from one to another. Is my thinking incorrect on this or am I still missing the point?

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27 minutes ago, stefan416 said:

Ahhhh so you're saying what physical disk it's on? I though that if everything was under the same share (folder under /user) that the relevant subfolders would be created on all the disks included in that share so you wouldnt have to cross from one to another. Is my thinking incorrect on this or am I still missing the point?


Your thinking is incorrect. The easiest way to see this on Unraid in under the "Main" tab. On the right hand side of the disks listed, you will see an icon. If you click on that for the different disks, you will see the same folders in multiple locations because the data is split across most of those disks. It also depends on your cache settings as well.

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1 hour ago, Allfather said:

I have been using these scripts for a decent amount of time now and every integration works (plex, sonarr, radarr) as intended, but for some reason, I tend to get an empty "gdrive_vfs"  folder on my mount-mergerfs share after each run/reboot.


Does it go away after some time or do you have to delete it? Can you post your unmount script? Are you running that at the startup of the array?

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27 minutes ago, Roudy said:


Does it go away after some time or do you have to delete it? Can you post your unmount script? Are you running that at the startup of the array?


Thank you for replying.


AFAIK I have to remove it manually. I gave it atleast 4 hours today when I updated the mount-script to (was on until today) but nothing happened so I removed it manually and it did not affect any functionality what so ever.


This unmout-script is running At Startup of Array


### Cleanup Script ####
#### Version 0.9.2 ####

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Starting rclone_cleanup script ***"

####### Cleanup Tracking Files #######

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: *** Removing Tracking Files ***"

find /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes -name dockers_started* -delete
find /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes -name mount_running* -delete
find /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/remotes -name upload_running* -delete
echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: ***Finished Cleanup! ***"



Edited by Allfather
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2 hours ago, Allfather said:

AFAIK I have to remove it manually. I gave it atleast 4 hours today when I updated the mount-script to (was on until today) but nothing happened so I removed it manually and it did not affect any functionality what so ever.


It appears like it's not being fully removed during the shutdown process or something. If you are using a single mount, try updating your unmount script with @T0rqueWr3nch unmount script (below). I would set it to run at array start and stop. See if that maybe clears up your hanging folder. If not, I wouldn't worry about it to much. It shouldn't affect anything, just an annoyance. 



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11 hours ago, Roudy said:


It appears like it's not being fully removed during the shutdown process or something. If you are using a single mount, try updating your unmount script with @T0rqueWr3nch unmount script (below). I would set it to run at array start and stop. See if that maybe clears up your hanging folder. If not, I wouldn't worry about it to much. It shouldn't affect anything, just an annoyance. 




Thank you again for the reply.


I've added that script at both Array Start and Array Stop but the folder is still being created and thus, by my conclusion, has to be created within the rclone-mount script https://github.com/BinsonBuzz/unraid_rclone_mount/blob/latest---mergerfs-support/rclone_mount


As mentioned in my original post the only changes I've made is to move the rclone mount- and cache share to a SSD Mirror.  (The 'inconvenient issue' is present even though running an unmodified script)


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