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Guide: How To Use Rclone To Mount Cloud Drives And Play Files


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1 minute ago, DZMM said:

just stop radarr, sonarr, plex etc - anything that's accessing the mount before you unmount.  Shouldn't have any problems

Sorry for wasting your time, im just stupid. Thanks for your help.


Just btw, since you created this post i uploaded all +1 year old files with only 10mbits UL xD 

Edited by nuhll
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GorOps, that's a freaking coincidence. 


Last night was my first time streaming a remux from the cloud using the script provided here. 

Result, the entire server crashed and had to be forced shutdown and restarted. 


I have a very weak computer for unraid, a J1900 with 4GB of ram. 


I tweaked the script. 

I removed the buffer size limit off, changed buffer size to 512 instead of 1G. 

I removed all the upload folder stuff as I don't understand why this is needed, all my uploaded to gdrive is running rclone copy.

I don't use a team drive so I removed it. 


And one thing that was causing problems for me is that the user script was set to run at the start of the array and I changed it to start of the array only (the last option on the drop down list).


Also I my crypt mount is called secure: and the mountcheck file I first created was giving me some trouble, so I created a new one called mountcheck2. 


This is the tweaked version:

sleep 10
#######  Check if script is already running  ##########

if [[ -f "/mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running" ]]; then

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Exiting script already running."



touch /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running


#######  End Check if script already running  ##########
sleep 10
#######  Start rclone mounts  ##########

# create directories for rclone mount and unionfs mount

mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone
mkdir -p /mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs
mkdir -p /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs

#######  Start rclone gdrive mount  ##########
sleep 10
# check if gdrive mount already created

if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs/mountcheck2" ]]; then

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check rclone vfs already mounted."


echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: mounting rclone vfs."
sleep 10
rclone mount --rc --allow-other --buffer-size 512M --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 256M --fast-list --log-level INFO --vfs-read-chunk-size 128M secure: /mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs &

# check if mount successful

# slight pause to give mount time to finalise

sleep 10

if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs/mountcheck2" ]]; then

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check rclone gdrive vfs mount success."


echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") CRITICAL: rclone gdrive vfs mount failed - please check for problems."

rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running




#######  End rclone gdrive mount  ##########

#######  Start unionfs mount   ##########

if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/mountcheck2" ]]; then

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check successful, unionfs already mounted."


unionfs -o cow,allow_other,direct_io,auto_cache,sync_read /mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs=RW /mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs

if [[ -f "/mnt/user/mount_unionfs/google_vfs/mountcheck2" ]]; then

echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") INFO: Check successful, unionfs mounted."


echo "$(date "+%d.%m.%Y %T") CRITICAL: unionfs Remount failed."

rm /mnt/user/appdata/other/rclone/rclone_mount_running




#######  End Mount unionfs   ##########



Also I really would like some input from DZMM about the state of my setup here. 

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Im not him, but i try to help.


I guess it was just running out of RAM. Lowering the buffer is a good idea. Maybe even more, test it out until it starts buffering while watching. 4 gb is very low ram. (i also startet with 4gb, now im at 32).


As a tip for lower ram consumption, many dockers have "ram leaks" and use more and more ram longer they run... i use ca auto backup to restart the dockers every day. So that fixes this problem.


I dont know why mountcheck makes a problem, but you renamed all the check for the file to mountcheck2 so this should be np.


If upload is working, youll be fine.





Edited by nuhll
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4 hours ago, TheFreemancer said:

I have a very weak computer for unraid, a J1900 with 4GB of ram. 


I tweaked the script. 

I removed the buffer size limit off, changed buffer size to 512 instead of 1G. 

With only 4GB you might need to go even smaller if you've got concurrent usage as I think the buffer is per stream.


I see you also removed --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off from your mount script.  This defaults to off so removing won't help - if you're still having memory problems I'd set this again to something like 256MB of 512MB, but you're going to struggle to play remux files IMHO if you don't have enough ram to buffer the stream.  I don't know what size chunks my setup requests, but I have no issues.


4 hours ago, TheFreemancer said:

I removed all the upload folder stuff as I don't understand why this is needed, all my uploaded to gdrive is running rclone copy.

I don't use a team drive so I removed it. 

If you're happy with only being able to play files once they've been uploaded then this is fine.  However, if you have a lot of files that are pending upload and you want to Plex/Sonarr/Radarr etc to be able to see them, then this is where the unionfs and rclone_upload folders come into play - e.g. unless you make your setup a lot more complicated you can only upload 750GB/day.  There are ways around this e.g. my setup allows me to upload at my full 1G line speed 247, but it took me a few hours to setup, but it means I don't have files waiting to be uploaded for more than a few mins.  I still need the unionfs setup though so that Plex doesn't have to rescan thinking the file has changed when it moves, when it hasn't etc etc


4 hours ago, TheFreemancer said:

And one thing that was causing problems for me is that the user script was set to run at the start of the array and I changed it to start of the array only (the last option on the drop down list).

Check out the new scripts on github as it accounts for this e.g. if it tries to mount and there's no internet connection then it tries again a few mins later.  This check is useful if your mount ever drops as it will automatically remount. 


Edited by DZMM
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4 hours ago, francrouge said:

Hi guys my token seem to be expired..


Can someone tell me again how to renew it please Thx

i'm getting this error


2019/04/25 20:41:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError
2019/04/25 20:42:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError
2019/04/25 20:43:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError
2019/04/25 20:44:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError

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9 hours ago, francrouge said:

Hi guys my token seem to be expired..


Can someone tell me again how to renew it please Thx

I'm not sure what's going on there or if this will solve your problems:




You might need to post on the rclone forums

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6 hours ago, francrouge said:

i'm getting this error


2019/04/25 20:41:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError
2019/04/25 20:42:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError
2019/04/25 20:43:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError
2019/04/25 20:44:38 INFO : Google drive root 'crypt': Failed to get StartPageToken: googleapi: Error 401: Invalid Credentials, authError

Did you set up your own client id before (per what DZMM linked)? If so log in to your Google Admin page and see whether these credentials are still valid. If so, rerun the config for your mount(s) and put in the client id and secret again. Don't alter anything else. Then when you get to the end of the config it will ask you if you want to renew your token. Then you can just say yes and run the authorization again. That should do it.

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I found one issue.

You have a rlcone unmount script, but its only set to run at array start.


I always had the problem that parity check runs on restarts, i found out its because of "unclean shutdowns".


So i copied your unmount script and set it to start on array and the other to stop of array.. now unraid restarts just fine without parity check.

I have now

rclone_unmount array start

rclne_unmount array stop

Edited by nuhll
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Hi guys 


I need help. My script stop working frequently like 1 time per 2-3 days. and I need to unmount and remount or reboot sometimes.


Do you have a fix for that ?





When this happend i lose all my movies in plex like i got over 3000+ and now i got only 3 wish are in my local storage.


I need to manually scan the library again.. Did anyone experience this problem ?


thx all

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2 hours ago, francrouge said:

Hi guys 


I need help. My script stop working frequently like 1 time per 2-3 days. and I need to unmount and remount or reboot sometimes.


Do you have a fix for that ?





When this happend i lose all my movies in plex like i got over 3000+ and now i got only 3 wish are in my local storage.


I need to manually scan the library again.. Did anyone experience this problem ?


thx all


The question is why it stops, it never had happend to me, even i have not the most stable internet. We need logs.


For the movie loss, i created a script some pages ago (look thru it) which scans every 1 min if mount still works, if not it disables some dockers (adjust to your needs).

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12 hours ago, francrouge said:

Hi guys 


I need help. My script stop working frequently like 1 time per 2-3 days. and I need to unmount and remount or reboot sometimes.


Do you have a fix for that ?





When this happend i lose all my movies in plex like i got over 3000+ and now i got only 3 wish are in my local storage.


I need to manually scan the library again.. Did anyone experience this problem ?


thx all

My script should automatically remount if you set it up to run on a cron job say every 5 mins - that's what I use.


The problem with Plex is if it scans while the mount is down, if your settings are 'wrong' it will assume the files no longer exist and will remove them from the library.  To avoid this make sure your Plex library settings are set to not automatically remove missing content - Plex will then add a trash sign next to content it can no longer see, and will fix itself if that content becomes available again.


Doing this does mean you need to manually empty trash every now and then when you know it's safe to do so i.e. when the mount is active.

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8 hours ago, DZMM said:

My script should automatically remount if you set it up to run on a cron job say every 5 mins - that's what I use.


The problem with Plex is if it scans while the mount is down, if your settings are 'wrong' it will assume the files no longer exist and will remove them from the library.  To avoid this make sure your Plex library settings are set to not automatically remove missing content - Plex will then add a trash sign next to content it can no longer see, and will fix itself if that content becomes available again.


Doing this does mean you need to manually empty trash every now and then when you know it's safe to do so i.e. when the mount is active.

Hi can you tell me if this is right ?




is it correct setting ?


rclone mount --allow-other --buffer-size 512M --dir-cache-time 72h --drive-chunk-size 512M --fast-list --log-level INFO --vfs-read-chunk-size 128M --vfs-read-chunk-size-limit off gdrive_media_vfs: /mnt/user/mount_rclone/google_vfs &


Edited by francrouge
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28 minutes ago, DZMM said:


if i check my logs i always got this until i manually reset 


Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:50:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:50:01 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:50:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:55:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:55:01 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:55:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:58:05 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:58:05 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:58:05 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

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7 hours ago, francrouge said:

if i check my logs i always got this until i manually reset 


Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:50:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:50:01 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:50:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:55:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:55:01 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:55:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:58:05 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:58:05 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:58:05 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Post your full script

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8 hours ago, francrouge said:

if i check my logs i always got this until i manually reset 


Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:50:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:50:01 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:50:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:55:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:55:01 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:55:01 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Script Starting Wed, 01 May 2019 18:58:05 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

01.05.2019 18:58:05 INFO: Exiting script already running.
Script Finished Wed, 01 May 2019 18:58:05 -0400

Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/test rclone/log.txt

Are you hard rebooting/force rebooting  your server? If your server doesn't have enough time to shut down array it won't run the unmount script. That's why I added the unmount script before my mount script at boot. Otherwise the "check" files won't be removed and the scripts see it as still running.

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Just wanted to report that I have upgraded my server to 8gb. That's the max this motherboard supports. 

I can now use the settings DZMM uses without any problem since I don't have any VM, all I have on my unraid server is Sabnzbd, Sonarr, Emby and rclone. 


Also my internet on my second home got an upgrade from 50mb to 240mb, so this improves how I can access my server. 



Now I have to ask I tried to ask this on Jriver forums but they had no idea. 

I have several complete UHD Blu-rays on my google drive, so that's the entire disc, not a single mkv file. 


If I try to play it from the cloud using anything on Windows 10 (Jriver, DVDFab Media Player) that would display the menus it takes almost 2-3 minutes to show the first menu and 1-2 minutes to show the next. After the movie starts playing is fine. 

So it's not a Jriver problem since DVDfab performes the same.


I'm accessing my files using SMB to share the rclone mount. 


On the other side of this, the oppo 203 blu-ray player can show the first menu in 15 seconds!

So I guess it has something to do with Windows screwing things up. 



All this is just to ask, I would like to try NFS from unraid to Windows. I got mount_rclone or mount_unionfs to show up as a drive on Windows 10 but inside the folder googleVFS there's nothing. As if NFS could not see the files. 

Is it possible to use NFS with rclone?

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