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Error - /var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used) [SOLVED]


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I got this error, I am running unraid 6.6.5




/var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)


Either your server has an extremely long uptime, or your syslog could be potentially being spammed with error messages. A reboot of your server will at least temporarily solve this problem, but ideally you should seek assistance in the forums and post your Diagnostics.




I would much appreciate your help. I have attached my diagnostics below.


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Log is getting spammed with these errors:


Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2: AER: Multiple Corrected error received: 0000:00:1b.2
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, (Transmitter ID)
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:   device [8086:a2e9] error status/mask=00001141/00002000
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [ 0] Receiver Error         (First)
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [ 6] Bad TLP               
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [ 8] RELAY_NUM Rollover    
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [12] Replay Timer Timeout 


Looks for a bios update, moving the offending card to a different PCIe slot might also work.

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1 minute ago, Koshy said:

syslog could be potentially being spammed with error messages

In this case its

Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, (Transmitter ID)
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:   device [8086:a2e9] error status/mask=00001041/00002000
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [ 0] Receiver Error         (First)
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [ 6] Bad TLP               
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [12] Replay Timer Timeout  
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2: AER: Multiple Corrected error received: 0000:00:1b.2

Best guess would be to update the BIOS to F11 (I have the exact same motherboard and zero issues) 

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26 minutes ago, Squid said:

In this case its

Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2: PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, (Transmitter ID)
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:   device [8086:a2e9] error status/mask=00001041/00002000
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [ 0] Receiver Error         (First)
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [ 6] Bad TLP               
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2:    [12] Replay Timer Timeout  
Nov 17 18:25:01 Tower kernel: pcieport 0000:00:1b.2: AER: Multiple Corrected error received: 0000:00:1b.2

Best guess would be to update the BIOS to F11 (I have the exact same motherboard and zero issues) 

Couple reboots have seemed to have fixed it for now, I'm currently running F10, I'll update to F12 on monday when I get a new keyboard, I can't get into the bios and update it without a keyboard. Appreciate the help.

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44 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

Looks for a bios update, moving the offending card to a different PCIe slot might also work.

All my PCIe slots are empty.


The issue seemed to have disappeared for now after a few reboots. I'll try updating my BIOS when I get my new keyboard on monday. Thanks for your time and effort, your help is much appreciated.

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