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Cache drive crashed, ALL AppDat Backups gone!


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I think the title pretty much says it all.

Anybody have any suggestions, besides a long walk off of a short pier?

I seriously thought I had my butt covered


All the AppData backups were on the array, not the cache drive...


I think I'm gonna do some serious drinking tonight. Almost two years worth of tuning my Dockers and a HUGE Plex db... gone...

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From the share settings



Which means that the new backup set would have gone to the cache drive (which then got pooched probably before mover ran to get it onto the array), and the time to keep old backups was 3 days, but the backups ran every 7 days, which means that there was only ever a single copy made

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So, I “eff-ed” this up on my own. Great! Just freaking great!

I am headed to the liquor store to prepare for my night ahead…


For idiots like me, when you have the time, could you code for ---

if  var=“delete_backups”  <   var=“scheduled_backup_frequency”

Msgbox: “Hey moron, make the “delete_backups” parameter greater!!!”

I am trying to be light-hearted, but it really would be a decent add to the program.


I did have an additional rational thought though. While I have no doubt that the appdata backups were there, what if there was an option to duplicate them. I know backup creation time is lengthy, and some will complain about the idea, but…


I started years back with a Synology box for desktop backups, that I then tied to an Amazon server (AWS) for additional backup.

Is there any chance of adding additional “Destination Share(s)” to AppData Backup/Restore that might link to Remote or Network Shares? For example, I could do an additional backup to my old Synology that I still use for documents, and then it goes up to AWS. Maybe even add an option for a different frequency for that second backup? Do you think the same thing could be done with appdata backup/restore?


BTW, thanks for looking at this for me Squid. I still can’t believe I have to rebuild my entire primary server… it is what it is… this really sucks! I am going to go have a tantrum and then get started.


Thanks again and have a good rest of the night!

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1 minute ago, TechMed said:

if  var=“delete_backups”  <   var=“scheduled_backup_frequency”

Msgbox: “Hey moron, make the “delete_backups” parameter greater!!!”

Except that you can run manual backups up the ying-yang, hence why the parameter exists and there's no error per se.


2 minutes ago, TechMed said:

additional “Destination Share(s)” to AppData Backup/Restore that might link to Remote or Network Shares?

You can use any mount point for a destination.  This includes UD mounted drives, any cloud based servers if they are mounted via something like rclone, etc.

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2 minutes ago, Squid said:

Except that you can run manual backups up the ying-yang, hence why the parameter exists and there's no error per se.

I take your point. But, if the backups are a invoked as a "manual" would that interfere with the variables for the scheduled "settings"?

Couldn't the code for "manual" simply bypass the parameters section for "scheduled backups"?


(I promise 😉 I am not trying to create more work for you! You already do a LOT for this community!)


5 minutes ago, Squid said:

You can use any mount point for a destination.

Again, I get your point. What I am referring to as having two, three, ten "mount points" in the settings for the backups.


One last question:

Is there any real benefit to using the cache drive?

I understand the backup "write" will be speedier, but is it THAT much faster and does that really and truly matter? (except to the speed freaks of course)


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