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Balance shares across disks


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So I have finished changing all old 2tb and 1tb drives to 4tb for an even planed build,  I will soon begin a more massive change but want to do some file maintenance first.


I found an app called "unbalance" that will let me move things around,  however,  is there a easy way to "balance" all of my drives contents?   right now some of my 4tb are 80% full and my new 4tbs (that replaced old 2tbs) are 40% full.  I would like to balance them.  Any easy ways?

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10 hours ago, fmp4m said:

right now some of my 4tb are 80% full and my new 4tbs (that replaced old 2tbs) are 40% full.  I would like to balance them. 

Why? There are many reasons NOT to, and none that I can think of in favour.

1. Moving data around is inherently risky. User error because you are doing things you don't normally do, and aren't familiar with.

2. Drive speed drops as you fill the disk. Adding new files to mostly empty disks is faster than half full disks.

3. Older files typically tend to not be accessed as much. Keeping all the old files together enables you to keep more of your array spun down, while the new files get written to fewer drives.

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The reason why is,  All of the data (well 80% of it) is accessed often and frequently, very very little is old archives and that information is not on this server, its on a backup server where it should be and left alone.  The current state of mostly full disks is affecting performance.  The reason I want to balance the shares is to equally distribute the load.   Also,  I am not new to data moves or my file structure and can do it manually,  I was looking to see if there was a easier way to with unraid.

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You could use the (unBalance Plugin) *Scatter* and make sure you go into settings and set the Reserved Space Threshold if you can figure that out effectively.


How effective is it going to be exactly? I can't say for sure as a true balancing, but its a start I guess. ;)


Personally I set a 10GB or so threshold on all my drives and let unRAID fill up my drives however it wants as long as files are grouped together and not spanned across multiple drives when I need to access specific data.

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  • 1 year later...

"Personally I set a 10GB or so threshold on all my drives and let unRAID fill up my drives however it wants as long as files are grouped together and not spanned across multiple drives when I need to access specific data." 


Sorry to wake up this thread again but How would you make sure "grouped files" stay together and dont span multiple drives?

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