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Cache SSD shows 0% avail but only 1/3rd full


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Hello. My cache drive is throwing "no space left on device". When I do a df -h, I get:


Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sdb1       239G   85G     0 100% /mnt/cache


It's running btrfs. I have done a trim, did a btrfs scrub. No luck.

Any thoughts?

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What version? There's other manual commands you need to run on older unraids for BTRfs since it really wasn't ready for general use. Newer kernals with newer BTRfs may have addressed that issue. Then again, it might be some other BTRfs issue.


I'm sure @johnnie.black will drop his knowledge on the issue(s) when he can.

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Also, these cmds are more meaningful for BTRfs since its special...


btrfs fi us /mnt/cache

btrfs fi show /mnt/cache

btrfs filesystem df /mnt/cache




Also, I think Johnnie will have you run some sort of cmd that looks like the following, I dint know their exactness but this is something to give you a heads up.

Caveat: dont run these specific examples that I typed out but wait for the exact cmds from Johnnie.


btrfs balance start -m /mnt/cache

Btrfs balance start -dusage=5 /mnt/cache



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