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Unraid is transmitting to the web during disk rebuild?


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I'm in the process of replacing some 2TB drives with 8TB drives, one at a time, following the usual steps from the wiki (stop the array, mark the disk as 'no device', power down, swap the drive, boot up, choose the new drive, rebuild the array). I've done 2 so far, and everything has worked fine. However, I noticed both times that while the array is rebuilding (more specifically, it is in "Parity-Sync/Data-Rebuild" status) my Unraid server is constantly transmitting and receiving about 3 to 5 MB/s with the internet.


Why is this? I thought the array was being rebuilt based off of the parity drive(s), and therefore had no need of internet usage? Would losing the internet access affect the rebuild?


I suppose it's possible I'm mistaken and Unraid isn't doing any such thing, but after I noticed it on the first drive, for the second drive I turned off all other devices on the LAN, and still the moment I hit the Start Array button the dedicated ethernet port from my router to my Unraid server, and also the port to the internet modem, jumped up to about 5 MB/s. I tried disabling the port to the modem, and immediately afterward the incoming traffic on the router port towards the Unraid server dropped off, as well.


If it's not caused by Unraid, anyone seen anything like this or any ideas on how to troubleshoot where it'd be coming from? Only thing I can think of would be the BIOS on the servers MB...?



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7 hours ago, itimpi said:

Unraid itself should not need to access the Internet during a disk rebuild.   Do you have any dockers or plugins running that might access the Internet.     They would not be prohibited from doing so while a disk rebuild is in progress.


I tried outright unplugging the server from the router overnight and the rebuild continued without any problem, it seems, so you're right Unraid doesn't actually need the internet to continue the disk rebuild. It's either symptomatic or else some other thing unrelated to the disk rebuild that is sending/receiving. All docker containers are stopped, and the only plug-ins are community applications, fix common problems, and dynamix S3 sleep. Hmm... maybe it is one of those plugins. Or, at this point I have a sneaking suspicion it's my motherboard's IPMI program reacting to the hardware change / disk rebuild. Oh well, it's not a huge deal, since the rebuild doesn't require the internet even if it did wind up related to the situation or not.

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4 hours ago, BRiT said:

Posting your diagnostics might help others to help you investigate.

Aye. The disk rebuild is all done now so nothing to record, but if I do another disk swap I'll setup recording on the server and router to get some info.

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3 hours ago, Rikkter said:

Aye. The disk rebuild is all done now so nothing to record, but if I do another disk swap I'll setup recording on the server and router to get some info.

The word "diagnostics" usually has a specific meaning here on this forum.


In the Unraid webUI, go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.

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