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Best Way To Backup Unraid Config

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I've had my first Unraid USB flash drive fail about a year ago and fortunately I was able to duplicate it. I haven't established a backup of my config. What is the best way to back it up to ease transition in case of another USB flash drive failure?


I'm using Duplicati to backup my photos and Bitwarden to cloud storage. I'm not sure that would work since I would need to get to the backup outside of Duplicati.


What does everyone else do?

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On the main screen.  Under Boot Device, click Flash.
Next screen click 'Flash Backup'   It will ask where on the
client you want to put the backup.
-- Tom

Is there a way to kick this off via a script and specify a destination on the server so it can be backed up on cloud storage?

I don’t suppose I would need to do this very often. Probably once a month. I would like something automated.

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Biggest problem with this is that the backup is on the array.  If your flash drive fails, you probably will not be able to boot up the server to get at it. 

Yes, once it does the first backup I’ll set up some sort of backup to a cloud destination.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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  • 1 year later...
On 4/22/2019 at 4:43 PM, Frank1940 said:

Biggest problem with this is that the backup is on the array.  If your flash drive fails, you probably will not be able to boot up the server to get at it. 


Can't you just use a live Linux USB drive to boot into, e.g. Fedora or Ubuntu, and mount the drive(s) where the backup files are located?  That's one of the things I love about unRAID: normal filesystems (unlike FreeNAS).

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9 hours ago, nukem492 said:


Can't you just use a live Linux USB drive to boot into, e.g. Fedora or Ubuntu, and mount the drive(s) where the backup files are located?  That's one of the things I love about unRAID: normal filesystems (unlike FreeNAS).

Sure, but it's even easier than that. You can create a trial of Unraid, mount the drives read only, recover your backup, redo the flash drive, done.


Keeping a copy of the backup in a more accessible location makes it easier, but it's not undoable to get it back off the array, just more of a pain.

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