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Web GUI does not start

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Dear community user,


Kindly I would like to inform you that I am using unraid version 6.6.6
However, after rebooting the web GUI seems to not respond. When entering the URL or the IP address in FireFox or Safari the login procedure is NOT prompted: username and password. In addition SSH seems NOT to work. However the UNRAID OS seems to work fine as I can directly use the command lines on the server. I get an IP address from command line and modem. Other UNRAID servers, on other locations, do respond just fine... with versions 6.6.7.
As this server is mission critical I was wondering if you could guide me to two things that I was not able to find on the internet nor in the manual.


1. How could I unlock the disks with the command line so that shares are activated? or where might I find documentation?
2. What might be the best way to trouble shoot to get the web GUI functioning again?


Thank you very much for you time in advance. For further questions or suggestions please let me know.

P.S. Am I right to see there is no 24/7 emergency support from lime-technology?

Edited by LimeCenter
lacking some details about other servers and IP address
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I am confused.   You say that when you enter the URL for the server in the browser then you are (correctly) prompted for the username/password.   What happens when you provide the correct username/password for the GUI?


The rest of your comments seem to imply that the array has not yet been started.  You could confirm this by using the ‘df’ command at the console and posting the output from that.


BTW:   You are correct that there is no 24x7 support from Limetech.    Not surprising as Limetech is a tiny company and there only a few employees in total (about 4 I think).

Edited by itimpi
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My apologies. The web GUI is NOT prompted and that is why we cannot ulock the disks and hence get all services and files available from the shares....


df output is something in the lines of










Edited by LimeCenter
Addition information added as requested
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If you try the ‘df’ command from the console does it show that there is a device mounted at /boot (I.e. the flash drive).    If not that could explain your symptoms as it means that the later stages of the booting process where the USB stick gets mounted is not completing correctly as that is required to complete starting the system.

Edited by itimpi
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1 minute ago, itimpi said:

If you try the ‘df’ command from the console does it show that there is a device mounted at /boot (I.e. the flash drive).    If not that could explain your symptoms as it means that the later stages of the booting process where the USB stick gets mounted is not completing correctly as that is required to complete starting the system.

There is no /boot (as you might have seen). What might be the best way to go?

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2 minutes ago, LimeCenter said:

My guess is that something went wrong that by mistake I initiated a couple of days a go the update to 6.6.7 but forgot about it.... and now that server rebooted I got myself a bit of pickle... maybe

That in itself should not cause an issue.    However it is possible that somehow the USB stick did not get updated correctly (which is why I asked about the output of the ‘df’ command.  


The easiest way to correct this would would be to take the USB stick to a Windows (or Mac) system and plug it in there.    Make a backup of the config folder as that contains the license key and all your configuration information.  The easiest thing to do is to use the USB Creator tool from the Limetech site to rewrite the USB stick and when that completes copy the saved config folder overwriting the contents of the version put on the Flash drive by the USB Creator tool.  If you do not know whether you were using UEFI style boot I would suggest you answer yes to that question as it does not stop legacy boot mode from working as well.    Plug the USB stick back into the Unraid server and with any luck you are good to go.


if for any reason the USB stick cannot be rewritten (or its current contents read) then we can give you the steps for transferring the license (and your configuration) to a replacement USB stick.

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With version 6.6.7 did you repeat the ‘df’ command test?   I would think that downgrading is counter-productive as the problem is more fundamental than that.


one other thing to check isthat the USB stick is being given the label UNRAID (in capitals).   The USB Creator tool should do this automatically but it is definitely worth checking as it is required.


were there any messages on the console during the boot process suggesting that the system was having trouble reading the usb stick?   If you have a choice have the USB stick plugged into a USB2 port rather than a USB3 one as they tend to be more reliable while booting and Unraid runs from RAM so gains no advantage from USB3.

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Okay I am upgrading again to the 6.6.7 version again as the 6.6.6 gave me the same issues. I use USB 2.0 and use the legacy mode as SuperMicro is giving me some weird shell function with UEFI mode. UNRAID is written correctly. I see no messages that worry me. Altough, when provided the choice how to boot I am unable to use the tab to switch modes.

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In the image below there are the 'df' command test. It would seem that booting went fine, but I should admit that there were instances where loading went too fast for me to follow. Still I have to same issues... suggestions?

Photo on 05-05-19 at 18.29.jpg

Edited by LimeCenter
questions was missing
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Problem solved! Almost however

It had little to do with unRAID software. I tried to log in from another client. I was prompted to enter my credentials and then cloud start the array. So my mac, and other windows 10 do not get the web GUI but one computer with firefox works. So what gives?? why do the other servers work and this one not?
The most important point is that is that the server is up and running again

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1 minute ago, LimeCenter said:

Server name as the IP does not respond for some reason. Suggestions how could adjust that so that the server will react to an IP address and name?

That is strange, it should be the other way around.    Are you sure that you are using the correct IP address.    Since when you try to access by name all that does is look up the name and then uses the IP address returned for that name it is difficult to imagine a scenario where name works and IP address fails.

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Pretty difficult to mess up with 20 digits. What the real issue seems to be is that when using edge, firefox or safari you get a notification about the unsafe SSL certificate. When clicking that you accept the risk the pages simple reloads and nothing happens even if you do this a couple of times.
So what is going wrong here?

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3 hours ago, Squid said:

try deleting /config/ssh and /config/ssl on the flash drive and reboot

No it did not work I am afraid. Only that one computer can access the web GUI. Additional ideas by any chance?

I would very much like to be able to access the server via SSH and WebGUI also from other computers, via VPN for example. Suggestions to troubleshoot or diagnose this issue?

Edited by LimeCenter
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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I have been looking through this thread and many others because I have only been able to view my Unraid WebUI from Firefox browsers. The only thing that worked for me was to go to Settings, Management Access. I changed the HTTP port because it was saying it could conflict with application/popular service. Then click apply and browse to the new IP Address/port that I configured.


I have no idea why it worked on Firefox with the old setup and not other browsers. But everything is working as expected now.

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