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Mover operation destroys performance

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I've noticed since the later updates, that whenever the mover process is running it'll break any operations I have going on. Even something as simple as viewing a video file from the server.

It's easy enough to replicate.


I used to have the mover running every hour, now I've had to set it to run once a day in the middle of the night to avoid this dramatic slowdown.


Is this something that was changed dramatically within UnRaid, or is it a warning sign of something on my end?


Cheers for any insights.

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  • 2 months later...

I am also having this problem, whenever mover runs everything slows down to a crawl, i can barely load the unraid webui, it is extremely slow.


any of the currently running docker containers all become unresponsive, if i'm streaming a movie locally from plex it stops loading completely, some dockers even crash and have to be restarted when the mover is finished even if their files are completely untouched by the mover. The communication between deluge and sonarr will be interrupted so torrents will get sent to deluge but it will not change its label, and when it is finished it will not move to its "completed torrents" folder, sometimes it will just hang at 100% and never actually "complete".


mover tuning is enabled and these are all my settings


Edited by MammothJerk
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  • 5 weeks later...

i believe the problem was gone in rc3, but with the update to rc4 and rc5 the problem came back (not as bad as before) and only seems to affect dockers.


tower/Docker page will not load, any docker currently running hangs and i am unable to access them through webui, any command i send to any docker gets executed after the mover completes.


idk if this is a separate problem though? i dont have issues navigating the webui or the SMB shares it seems to be specifically the dockers.

It is also intermittent.

could it have something to do with having the system and appdata folder on the cache? and with mover moving stuff off of the cache it taking up all the bandwidth?

Edited by MammothJerk
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