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Random Crashes after reboot !!

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I have a big problem. When I start my Unraidserver ( Ryzen threadripper 1920x, 16gb Corsair, Corsair PSU 700W, Samsung Evo 250GB SSD)everything goes right, but if i am starting the vms and do something in the vms (starting a application for example) the server crashed and was offline (no ping). So what can I do ?

Please help !!


This are the diagnostics after a reboot before it crashed.


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Pixxelcrasher, I have a new AMD build and also saw crashes until I updated BIOS - same story where it had a BIOS from 2018 when I received it.    You should look up the manufacturer's website for your motherboard and that will contain BIOS downloads and also instructions on how to update it.

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2 minutes ago, Pixxelcrasher said:

I have done the update-> same error.... but only when i start the vm service then I have round about 5 minutes and then the server is no longer reachable but when the vm service is not started the server runs perfectly


You should attach new diagnostics logs, will also enable folks to sanity check your BIOS was indeed updated successfully   (you were previously on X399 Phantom Gaming 6, BIOS P1.10 11/15/2018).

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