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Prompted for Username and Password


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From every computer in my home (approx 8) I am prompted for a username and password whenever I try to connect to the shares.


All computers are Windows 10 (various builds, but some at the newest) and machines are both WiFi and Physcially connected to the server.  


Typing in the username \ without a password works but this means my script to map the drives doesn't work.


How can I fix this?  I have tried running the "new permissions" script from unRaid but it never completes.

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4 hours ago, comfox said:

From every computer in my home (approx 8) I am prompted for a username and password whenever I try to connect to the shares.


All computers are Windows 10 (various builds, but some at the newest) and machines are both WiFi and Physcially connected to the server.  


Typing in the username \ without a password works but this means my script to map the drives doesn't work.


How can I fix this?  I have tried running the "new permissions" script from unRaid but it never completes.

One thing to try is open the 'Credential Manager'.  (Just start typing that into the search box at the left of the Taskbar and it will pop up.)   Now check to see if you have any credentials in the 'Windows Credentials' section.  Delete them and add back only when necessary.  (It might be a good practice to make sure if you do have to reenter any password that you uncheck the box that says to 'remember them'.)


The whole issue of passwords has been around for a long time.  You might want to read this post from @limetech about some of his findings.  Be sure to read the next several posts as they point out other gotcha's!




There may also be something that MS has changed (again) in one of their recent updates that was intended to improve security that is causing this problem.  To date, I haven't seen anything describing what they did and if there is a way to turn it off...


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With password issues it seems to work for me to type this in windows cmd window:

net use * /delete


One way to make life easier is to make sure you have same username and password set on Unraid server as you have when logging into your win10 PC's.  For example if you have username/password  Smurf/imblue  then also create a user on Unraid server named Smurf and password imblue.

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