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I installed Unassigned Devices but it won't let me format and mount drive


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I installed Unassigned Devices, but the plugin won't let me format and mount drive, why?


Here's the log when I clicked the SSD:

Dec 28 09:57:58 UNRAID unassigned.devices: Mount of '/dev/sdb1' failed. Error message: mount: /mnt/disks/HP_SSD_S600_120GB_HBSA18241703137: unknown filesystem type 'precleared'.
Dec 28 09:58:58 UNRAID preclear_disk_HBSA18241703137[12291]: Command: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh --cycles 1 --skip-preread --skip-postread --no-prompt /dev/sdb


I want to format it, but I don't get any options.

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Someone will be able to give you a more authoritative answer, but I'd venture to say that UD only works properly with an already formatted drive. 


Based on those messages, you precleard a drive which is only useful when you want to test* a new drive prior to installation in your server as part of the parity-protected data array. Also, for future reference,  it is not recommended to preclear SSDs, especially since it's not recommended to put SSDs into the array as parity-protected drives (at least not yet). 


It's been a while since I've used UD for anything beyond sharing server mounts - I don't recall if it even has the ability to format a drive...


*I'm a firm believer in testing a brand new drive with the preclear script/plugin, but it's no longer necessary as the OS can now clear a drive while the array is available. In "ye olden dayes", clearing a new drive prior to inserting it in the array required that the server be on, but the array be off-line, thus the preclear script allowed the clearing to happen to the side while the server was still up serving data. Whether to run preclear to find infant mortality in drives is a discussion that's gone on for a couple of years now with no clear winner on either side, but some religious zealotry rivaling the vi/emacs and Android/iOS battles. This is not the place for that battle to continue...

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10 minutes ago, mhweb said:

Thank you guys, I didn't know there were settings for plugins.

I'm not liking being this new to unraid LOL

TBH, there are a lot of setting and a lot of little nuances. Like, it's really hard to find the link to the wiki in the GUI. (Hint: click the "Feedback" button on the top-left, then look for the link at the bottom of the pop-up.)


Remember - this is your data residing on the server. If you make a mistake and format a data drive without having a solid backup, it's your data that's been lost. Do not be afraid to ask "stupid" questions before taking an action that you're unsure of. People like Squid may have answered it a thousand times before, but they're (mostly) happy to point you to a FAQ or other question that has already addressed your situation for the 1000th time. They'd rather do that than have you leave, bad mouthing unRAID because you lost data even though it was your own error. Unfortunately, that's happened, too. 


TL;DR: don't be afraid to ask questions, we were all new once, and, if you're open and listen to (and take) advice, nobody really minds answering them again.

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