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reinstalling trial receiving write error:no space left...

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I am setting up an unraid for my parents to run Channels DVR, I was lax and didnt get the trial server to them in time for them to fully test the DVR functionality... I attempted to recreate the USB drive and on first boot I am seeing a bunch of messages saying /etc/rc.d/rc/samba: line 110: echo: write error: no space left on device

The server does not receive an IP address. 


Is there a fix for this?


I need to "reset " the server so I can give mom and dad at least a couple weeks with a trial before spending the money on a server license, we might not go with unraid as a final solution, but proving Unraid as a viable solution goes a long way toward me "selling" them on unraid vs a Linux R-pi4 solution that can't run Unraid. 



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7 hours ago, Bill A said:

I am setting up an unraid for my parents to run Channels DVR, I was lax and didnt get the trial server to them in time for them to fully test the DVR functionality... I attempted to recreate the USB drive and on first boot I am seeing a bunch of messages saying /etc/rc.d/rc/samba: line 110: echo: write error: no space left on device

The server does not receive an IP address. 


Is there a fix for this?


I need to "reset " the server so I can give mom and dad at least a couple weeks with a trial before spending the money on a server license, we might not go with unraid as a final solution, but proving Unraid as a viable solution goes a long way toward me "selling" them on unraid vs a Linux R-pi4 solution that can't run Unraid. 



Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file.

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2 hours ago, testdasi said:

Tools -> Diagnostics -> attach zip file.

that would be great if the system was even booting, but how do I pull logs if the machine isn't even booting? maybe im missing something? 


the machine will not boot into this mode, so I can't get to tools > diagnostics, and the machine is not getting IP address so I can't access it via the browser. 


I receive the message listed above on every boot, I have tried a cheap 4gb usb stick from microcenter and a brand new Sandisk 16gb stick (this is the usb that was working perfect previously).


I tried to use the usb creation tool on both usb sticks and both hang at "syncing the file system" I found this online and it looks semi common,I then downloaded the zip, extracted it to the usb (fresh fat32 format), and ran the make bootable file as admin. all have the same result of what appears to be about 100 lines of the error listed above with no IP address assigned.

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Can your server even boot? i.e. do you see the login prompt on your monitor?

If yes, login using your root credential and on the command line, type


That command should create the diagnostics zip for you to attach so others can help have a look.


Also, if the server does not have an IP then it's either a hardware problem (e.g. failed NIC) or network problem (e.g. not properly plugged into router and/or router doesn't work and/or incorrect custom network settings).


If your server doesn't even boot then you need work on creating a working USB stick first.



Edited by testdasi
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12 minutes ago, Bill A said:

tried to use the usb creation tool on both usb sticks and both hang at "syncing the file system" I found this online and it looks semi common,I then downloaded the zip, extracted it to the usb (fresh fat32 format), and ran the make bootable file as admin. all have the same result of what appears to be about 100 lines of the error listed above with no IP address assigned.

If the drive has been manually formatted then it is difficult to see how this error can occur unless the USB stick is in read-only mode for some reason.


Can you copy ANY files at all to the USB stick(s)?

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in GUi mode I get approximately 100 lines of errors saying there is no space on the device and no IP address is assigned. if I boot to normal non GUi mode then it boots correctly and I get an ip address. this is an older sff of that is being used as a proof of concept to make sure my parents will and can use Channels DVR... once they prove they can and will use the software then we will either replace this hardware with a rpi4 raid setup, or I will rebuid this with more ram new drives etc. 


just to answer questions asked,


yes I can copy files to the usb stick, both were formatted fat32 under win10, full format not quick format, usb sticks don't show as read only.

when I attempt to boot into GUi mode I do get a logon, Id of root brings we to the command prompt. when I attempt to run diagnostics I get over a screen full of warning: file_put_contents(): only 0 of xx bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamic/scripts/diagnostics on line XXX 


to me it seems, being that the server boots successfully, and gets an IP address in standard non GUi mode it isn't likely to be a hardware issue, due to the error about space it seems much more likely this is drivers etc are not being loaded.



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2 hours ago, testdasi said:

Problems with your USB stick / port for sure.

Your USB stick is in read-only mode after boot, which usually happens if it drops offline (e.g. failed port, reset port, shorted port etc. many reasons).

i can successfully create a diagnostics with the same usb stick in the same port if I boot into standard mode, so I don't believe this is an issue with 2 seperate usb sticks that have been tried in multiple usb ports ... it only fails if booting into GUi mode. The server is running again so I'm going to leave it alone for now. if we go down the path of unraid I will fight with it then.



Edited by Bill A
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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...
On 1/7/2020 at 12:50 PM, Bill A said:

it only fails if booting into GUi mode


I just wanted to thank you for this solution.


I'm very new to all of this and am repurposing my parents older PC as a test to make sure I can understand all of this. First, I had all sorts of issues getting it to boot, both from the PC and the USB stick. Then when I did, I wasn't getting an IP address. But I also had these No space left errors. That's when I found the solution of not booting into GUI mode.

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