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[SOLVED] IP Address Not Set

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TL:DR: I can't get assigned a valid IP when starting UNRAID


This is my server build: PCPP link. I'm trying to run v6.8.1 (Trial version if that matters)


My issues:

  • I'm not getting a valid IP, the only thing I'm getting is "IPv4 address:" and "IPv6 address: not set"
  • I'm getting the "FATAL:  Module bonding not found in directory /lib/modules/4.19.94-unRAID  Cannot find device "bond0" "
  • I was also getting some issues about finding directories, something something "/dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID"


Things I've done:

  • I've used the installer, so it should name and format my drive correctly. "UNRAID" and FAT32
  • Prior to trying to run Unraid on Node 304 (before I got all my components) I was able to run Unraid successfully on an old Dell Inspiron. I got a head-start pre-clearing some 12TB Easystores.
    • Same USB
    • Same installer
    • Same network cable and router
  • I haven't booted up anything else on the Node 304 but I was able to successfully check for BIOS update with the Ethernet plugged in to make sure I had up to date BIOS and that the internet was working.
  • I've tried every USB port (2.0 and 3.0)
  • I don't have any USB drives not in use, so I haven't been able to try others yet. :( But the one I using should work because it working on my Dell.
    • On thing that is weird is that it's a USB3.0 drive but it's only recognized on USB 2.0 port. Not just during boot, I'm talking through the Window's Explorer 


I'm a major noob just getting into the server world.


Edited by DeltaAlphaOscar
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Upon reading some other posts to try to troubleshoot this myself, I can access the GUI after logging in as root. This isn't my image, but it's what comes up after logging in.


In the 'start' menu, I had access to the console/terminal/command line but when typing in diagnostics, it says something along the lines of it not being a valid command. I'm not at (home) my server at the moment so I might not have the exact phraseology. 


After rereading your post @Frank1940, I may not have had the 's' at the end of diagnostics when I was troubleshooting last night...



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7 hours ago, DeltaAlphaOscar said:

I'm getting the "FATAL:  Module bonding not found in directory /lib/modules/4.19.94-unRAID  Cannot find device "bond0" "


This means something wrong with your usb flash boot device.  Either the volume label is not set to UNRAID or a file is missing or corrupted (bzmodules).  I suggest you try a different USB flash device or try re-install.  You can check volume label while plugged into PC.  Should also be FAT32 file system.

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@Frank1940, I tried to run the diagnostics and this time, I didn't get the invalid command comment because I remembered the "s". It seemingly did it's thing. BUT there wasn't a log folder created...


@limetech, I mentioned in my post that I tried using both the installer as well as doing it manually. It's always "UNRAID" and is always formatted FAT32.  The USB (DTSE9-G2) worked on the Dell I mentioned. This is what makes me think it should be fine(?). But alas I did manage to find another spare no-name USB last night and I got the same issues. Thoughts?

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12 hours ago, DeltaAlphaOscar said:

@limetech, I get this below:


mount: /boot: special device /dev/disk/by-label/UNRAID does not exist.


You are double-dog sure the USB flash device has volume label UNRAID ?  If so, I can't explain what the problem might be except some kind of issue with USB subsystem.


How about output of this command:



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@limetech, 99.9% the volume is named "UNRAID"


I've used both manual method and the installer, and in all instances, the volume is labeled correctly when I looking in disk management. Hard to believe that the installer would incorrectly label it. I'll try that command when I get home. I'm also going to stop by Best Buy and get a few of the recommended drives to try out.



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Doubt it will help in this case but might be worth a try creating flash with diskpart:


Backup config folder from flash, then in Windows open a command prompt window as administrator, then type in this order:



-list disk

-select disk x (x=your flash drive)


-create partition primary

-format fs=fat32 label=UNRAID quick





-close cmd window

-unzip new Unraid install to flash

-restore the previously backed up config folder

-execute make_bootable as admin









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Thanks to everyone that tried to help out. I tried many other flash drive to finally find one that works. 2 out of 11 flash drives worked. I could've stopped after the first one worked, but was curious so I tested all I had access to.  None of the Unraid recommended ones worked on my new build. All of them worked on my on my off-the-shelf Dell Inspiron.


What I've learned is that even if a drive boots on one computer, that it won't necessarily work in others.


If a mod wouldn't mind tagging this as resolved, that'd be great!

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  • 2 years later...
On 1/31/2020 at 2:22 PM, DeltaAlphaOscar said:

Thanks to everyone that tried to help out. I tried many other flash drive to finally find one that works. 2 out of 11 flash drives worked. I could've stopped after the first one worked, but was curious so I tested all I had access to.  None of the Unraid recommended ones worked on my new build. All of them worked on my on my off-the-shelf Dell Inspiron.


What I've learned is that even if a drive boots on one computer, that it won't necessarily work in others.


If a mod wouldn't mind tagging this as resolved, that'd be great!

Hey @DeltaAlphaOscar, Would you mind sharing which brands of USB worked for your system??

I'm having a very similar issue, and I if could increase my chances to more than 2 out of 11, that would be swell. I know that every system is different, and what works for yours might not work for mine.

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  • 1 month later...

I eventually got to success by attempting starting with a totally new flash drive. By totally new, I mean I got flash drive, formatted it and then installed a demo version of the UnRaid. Much to my surprise, it worked immediately with the new hardware. 

After a bit more exploration I discovered that my old flashdrive was running an older version of UnRaid. Once I updated it to a newer version, everything ran just fine.

To any future readers, Please learn from my failure, just update the UnRaid OS.

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