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How do I make shares bigger


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Ive looked over the internet and  the forum  but I cant find how to make my User shares any bigger


I have a 15.5 TB array and Unraid created 4 shares   3 with  120g 1 with 15TB.  I  deleted it because I wanted to rename and I thought I could just delete make a  new one and it would ask me the name I wanted and the size.   When I created a new one  its size was just 120 like the other three not 15TB and no way to change it.


How do I create a share and adjust the share size?  So far UnRaid has worked for streaming movies to my Kodi box with only 4 Gigs of DDR 2 ram  and  an old  Biostar  and AMD MB I had laying around, but it was difficult to figure out how to move files on to it which I did find out from info on the web.  And this share thing will be the deal breaker if i cant figure it out.


Thanks for your help in advance

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There is no way to adjust share size. The size of a share can be as large as the entire array plus cache depending on the settings you have for the share and the free space on the included disks.


So I don't know what your issue is. If I had to guess I would say you have a cache-only share and your cache is 120G.


Go to Tools - Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your NEXT post.

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i'll check again  I saw two setting I believe  about  using drives  one was  like a "use all"  drives and another dont remember off the top of my head.    That seem  like a bug to me cache should be  the "scratch pad" temporary holding space to speed up the system  its the fastest drives.  Shareing it would take up space on the one thing that is  used to speed up the system.   


Ok  so  I need to excluded the cache drives?    and it sound like I need to delete the share I created, and make a new one?


I will look at that  and report back.  maybe that will give me enough to figure it out and I wont need anymore hand holding.  Thanks by the way   Sorry not trying to ask stupid questions but after spending some time looking asking the experts seemed a better idea

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6 hours ago, Zeek said:

That seem  like a bug to me cache should be  the "scratch pad" temporary holding space to speed up the system  its the fastest drives.

Not a bug a feature.


Cache is used for speeding up writes to shares by writing them to storage that isn't impacted by parity, then later moving them to the parity array. The default schedule for Mover is daily in the middle of the night. Mover is intended for idle time.


Cache is also used to improve performance of VMs and Dockers, so they won't be impacted by parity and won't keep array disks spinning. The appdata, domains, and system shares are created for VMs and Dockers, and they are configured to try to stay on cache.


There are several possible values for the Use cache setting. You can toggle help for a particular setting by clicking on its label, or toggle Help for the whole webUI with the Help (?) button on the main menu bar.


Study this FAQ for more details about the Use cache settings:




Looking at your diagnostics, I see you have 2 unequal size disks in the cache pool. The default btrfs raid1 gives a mirror with the total capacity equal to the smaller of the 2 drives. You will probably want to change how your cache pool is configured.


See the Cache Drive / Pool section of the FAQ for more information about that:




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Thanks Constructor  I will look at how to set up  the cache.   Not allowing it  to use the cache popped the size of the share up to the full capacity of the arrray (minus other shares).    I did not have to  excluded any drives nor were the cache drives listed (my mistake) 


  So  the cache is used as  kind of a swap file too  for temporary data   and not just stuff waiting to be written     and  those three directories created by default are on the cache drives.  So it is holding out part of the cache for those directories.


  OK  now  I know, and I will read those  posts you linked to  so I can  understand more.  Thanks


Im surprised the system is working at all for as old as the MB is and as small as the ram is.  Ive only tested it  on one movie streaming so far  it works great   So thank you for making a OS/Server that will do the job on such low Horsepower.  I didnt want to spend anything on hardware just yet and not too much on  software, untill I knew it would work and that I could use it.   Also Thanks Daniel and itimpi

share setting.jpg

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1 hour ago, Zeek said:

Not allowing it  to use the cache popped the size of the share up to the full capacity of the arrray (minus other shares).

I did not see anything wrong with the way the shares were configured to use cache in those diagnostics you posted, so if you changed something you probably did something wrong. Which share exactly were you talking about?


As mentioned

5 hours ago, trurl said:

The appdata, domains, and system shares are created for VMs and Dockers, and they are configured to try to stay on cache.

Cache-prefer is the correct setting for those shares


The only other share you had, anonymized as M-----U, was set as cache-yes, which is a reasonable setting. So what did you change?


Probably just running Mover would have moved that share to the array and it would have reported the size as including the array. If you set it to cache-no, then you are almost certainly going to have some of its files stuck on cache, since Mover will not move cache-no shares.


Post a new diagnostic.


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M____U was the one that  I made up that only  was 120gigs or so.   So I made up a new share and turned the cache off since what i understood from everyones post is the cache is used as  part of a share, and by not using the cache  it would make the share use the rest of the space on the array instead of limiting itself to what was left of the cache.


so  I deleted M_____U    made up  a new one called M_____E   and  when i turned off the cache this time making up the share  it used the  15 TB  instead of the 120g  

Still doesnt make  sense to me  why it would operate that way  but from what  I read in the post thats what I understood you  all  to say      Still dont understand why you can set you own size based on space left in the array  seems to make  more sense to me  than just have the system    assign a size  to a share, but thank you for taking a look and helping           Here is the  diagnostics


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12 hours ago, Zeek said:

Here is the  diagnostics

You still have different sized disks in your btrfs raid1 cache pool. What does Unraid report for the SIZE of cache in Main - Cache Devices?


12 hours ago, Zeek said:

than just have the system    assign a size  to a share

The system doesn't "assign" a size to a share, it just calculates how much space a share has based on its included disks. There is no size allocation.


12 hours ago, Zeek said:

but from what  I read in the post

Did you read the links I gave earlier?


12 hours ago, Zeek said:

made up  a new one called M_____E   and  when i turned off the cache

It is probably best if all the shares you create are left as cache-no (the default) since you don't have much capacity for cache anyway. As I said before

On 2/10/2020 at 8:29 AM, trurl said:

a mirror with the total capacity equal to the smaller of the 2 drives



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Thanks  Trul  no  I  did not read the links yet.  my excuse is I  travel for work  and got home last night, out all week.

And I have plenty of "home work" when I get back to the hotel, but thanks  I have been doing  a little bit of reading this morning and afternoon   Thanks for everyone time and patience

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