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Unraid seems to go through bootup fine, but cannot connect


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I seem to be having a problem where Unraid will boot normally, but trying to connect to the server gives me a "refused to connect" message.  Going into the GUI mode does the same thing; I can browse the internet through Firefox in the GUI, but it doesn't connect to the server.  I get the Tower Login prompt implying everything is booting properly, but I still cannot connect.  Not sure what to do to fix it.


I was rebooting my server to try and solve a separate issue with the docker giving me the error message 403, and then I couldn't get into the server itself.  It had been on for about 8 days before this, I don't know if that's helpful or not.


The log I attached here is from 10:04 this morning, and is the most recent one I have in the logs folder, though the issue happened about an hour(ish) ago.  I don't know if that will shed any light, but it's worth a shot.


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Those diagnostics show that the system is trying to shutdown, but failing because file(s) are in use somehow on the array (easiest way that this happens is that you've logged in to the terminal, and have the current directory sitting somewhere within /mnt/user


If you have forced the system to restart and you can't connect, then login to the terminal, and enter in 


if that command hangs for more than a few minutes, then

cp /var/log/syslog /boot/logs/syslog.txt

then you can shutdown again and pull the stick and post either the diagnostics on the flash drive or the syslog here.

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4 hours ago, Squid said:

And can you connect via another computer to the GUI?

I cannot, doesn't work


8 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Does it work if you boot in safe mode?

Just tried this, and I can get in.  No access to plugins or anything like that, obviously, but it works.  Wonder what's up and what I can do about it.


4 hours ago, Squid said:

Not particularly recommended to do this BTW

I figured, and I generally don't, but I just wanted to test to see if it was connected to the internet regardless to access github and whatnot, and it is.




So safe mode gets me in, so I'm guessing it's a plugin.  Is there a way besides just deleting plugins to see what the culprit is, either in a diagnostic or something like that?

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34 minutes ago, asopala said:

Just tried this, and I can get in.  No access to plugins or anything like that, obviously, but it works.  Wonder what's up and what I can do about it.

Remove all plugins, install one by one, or a few at a time, any Dynamix or CA and related plugins are unlike to be the problem, as long as up do date.

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22 minutes ago, Squid said:

Except for user scripts if something is set to run at array start

Yep, and by CA and related I didn't mean user scripts, since it's been a problem before, not the plugin obviously, but the scripts users have running at array start, but good you pointed it out, by Dynamix or CA and related I meant these:


>>  ca.backup2.plg - 2019.10.27
>>  ca.cfg.editor.plg - 2019.07.07
>>  ca.cleanup.appdata.plg - 2019.09.15
>>  ca.update.applications.plg - 2020.02.13
>>  community.applications.plg - 2020.02.13
disklocation-master.plg - 2020.01.27
>>  dynamix.active.streams.plg - 2019.01.03
>>  dynamix.s3.sleep.plg - 2018.02.04
>>  dynamix.ssd.trim.plg - 2017.04.23a
>>  dynamix.system.buttons.plg - 2018.09.08
>>  dynamix.system.info.plg - 2017.11.18b
>>  dynamix.system.stats.plg - 2019.01.31c
>>  dynamix.system.temp.plg - 2019.11.03
fix.common.problems.plg - 2020.02.06
gui-links.plg - 2019.01.19
NerdPack.plg - 2019.12.31
preclear.disk.plg - 2020.02.14
rclone.plg - 2019.11.01
recycle.bin.plg - 2019.04.08
statistics.sender.plg - 2017.09.22
unassigned.devices.plg - 2020.02.09
unassigned.devices-plus.plg - 2020.01.13
unlimited-width.plg - 2020.01.05
unRAIDServer.plg - 6.8.2
user.scripts.plg - 2019.08.17


Fix commons problems can be also added to the safe list, and other like UD the same, I just mentioned Dynamix and CA since it rules out a lot of them.

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4 hours ago, Squid said:

Except for user scripts if something is set to run at array start


4 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

Yep, and by CA and related I didn't mean user scripts, since it's been a problem before, not the plugin obviously, but the scripts users have running at array start, but good you pointed it out


Funny you guys mention that, that was the exact issue.  I think I know which script was causing the issue, but at least I'm up and running.  How do I change the script that was causing the issue from starting on startup without access to the GUI?  Is there something in the file I can change to make it happen?

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On 2/18/2020 at 7:16 PM, Squid said:

Your script (you can find it within /config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts never exited.   Edit it ir delete it. 


For some reason they're not being run in the background like they're supposed to


And now I figured out why, and it was pretty stupid.  I was sick of the rclone backup script restarting every day, so I thought it would be a good idea to just have it go on startup, without having a script to exit it when the server goes down.  Welp, I feel dumb.  Thanks for helping me fix this guys!

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